T1 Weapon Active: Hunter's Mark


Active member
Item Name: Hunter's Mark
Type: Weapon
Cost (500 Souls)
  • +50 Health
  • +1.5 Second Cooldown Acceleration (Conditional)
  • 32s Cooldown
  • Range: 30m
  • Duration: 6 seconds
    • You cast out and mark an enemy as your target. You gain +20% Bullet lifesteal and +15% Bullet damage against the marked target, and if they die while marked all of your Cooldowns are reduced by 1.5 seconds, and the Cooldown of this item is reduced 20 Seconds.

Seems like Weapon category lacks a T1 activatable so I thought I'd try something relatively new to the game.
If I am reading this right, this item seems to be weapon flavored infuser, but single target like the purple utilities (decay, whip, hex), and massively reduces it's cooldown upon a kill? I'm conflicted.

The single target aspect seems pretty nice. All of the purple utilities are quite satisfying to use, so another item like them but cheaper and in another item type would be pretty neat. I'm not a big fan of the partial item cd refresh. A lot of what keeps infuser from being dominant and picked on more heroes is the high cooldown.
If I am reading this right, this item seems to be weapon flavored infuser, but single target like the purple utilities (decay, whip, hex), and massively reduces it's cooldown upon a kill? I'm conflicted.

The single target aspect seems pretty nice. All of the purple utilities are quite satisfying to use, so another item like them but cheaper and in another item type would be pretty neat. I'm not a big fan of the partial item cd refresh. A lot of what keeps infuser from being dominant and picked on more heroes is the high cooldown.
The reason I gave Hunter's Mark a large cooldown refreshment when you kill a target affected by the item is because it specifically only applies to a single target. Infuser, while useful on single targets, really shines when you throw big things like grenades or Infernus's Flame Dash where those abilities can hit multiple targets. Hunter's Mark refreshing on kill lets you use it to help burn down some creeps, get a bit of CDR (that's extra effective on normal abilities that have lower natural Cooldowns), and some healing from burning down the creep.

It can be useful to help you harass if you are harassing via gun damage, but it's best used by mixing it's use with killing creeps, some modest sustain in lane, and to help secure a kill.
The reason I gave Hunter's Mark a large cooldown refreshment when you kill a target affected by the item is because it specifically only applies to a single target. Infuser, while useful on single targets, really shines when you throw big things like grenades or Infernus's Flame Dash where those abilities can hit multiple targets. Hunter's Mark refreshing on kill lets you use it to help burn down some creeps, get a bit of CDR (that's extra effective on normal abilities that have lower natural Cooldowns), and some healing from burning down the creep.

It can be useful to help you harass if you are harassing via gun damage, but it's best used by mixing it's use with killing creeps, some modest sustain in lane, and to help secure a kill.
So it works on non-heroes as well? Hard pass. That'd be the single best lane sustain item in the game.
So it works on non-heroes as well? Hard pass. That'd be the single best lane sustain item in the game.
Infuser literally already does more than what this Item could possibly do with regards to sustain, even with the cooldown reduction. I've actually used Infuser as my primary item for sustain when laning as Infernus and as Geist.

Infernus in particular can use his Flame dash and heal for well over 300 HP with Infuser in a single use on 1 Creep wave. I don't see this as getting anywhere near those values. If you kill your target you're probably only getting maybe 60-70 HP from it early and the Cooldown ends up twice that of Restorative Shot. It doesn't have nearly as much immediate survivability due to not having bullet shield and has no other stats besides the reduced CD that has to also actively be used on Creeps to get any significant benefit out of it.

To clarify, all of the effects of Hunter's Mark only apply to the marker and the person marked. You don't get +20% bullet Lifesteal for 6 seconds. You get +20% bullet lifesteal against that target for 6 seconds.
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The reason I gave Hunter's Mark a large cooldown refreshment when you kill a target affected by the item is because it specifically only applies to a single target. Infuser, while useful on single targets, really shines when you throw big things like grenades or Infernus's Flame Dash where those abilities can hit multiple targets. Hunter's Mark refreshing on kill lets you use it to help burn down some creeps, get a bit of CDR (that's extra effective on normal abilities that have lower natural Cooldowns), and some healing from burning down the creep.

It can be useful to help you harass if you are harassing via gun damage, but it's best used by mixing it's use with killing creeps, some modest sustain in lane, and to help secure a kill.
make all effects 25% as effective vs creeps and not grant an active cd reduction on creep kill, and make the 1.5s reduction become a .5s reduction on creep kill.

you make this work on creeps it will be the only item with a 100% First Pick rate as youre just gonna dominate your opponenets with a 15 second 20% life steal 15% damage infuser
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Infuser literally already does more than what this Item could possibly do with regards to sustain, even with the cooldown reduction. I've actually used Infuser as my primary item for sustain when laning as Infernus and as Geist.

Infernus in particular can use his Flame dash and heal for well over 300 HP with Infuser in a single use on 1 Creep wave. I don't see this as getting anywhere near those values. If you kill your target you're probably only getting maybe 60-70 HP from it early and the Cooldown ends up twice that of Restorative Shot. It doesn't have nearly as much immediate survivability due to not having bullet shield and has no other stats besides the reduced CD that has to also actively be used on Creeps to get any significant benefit out of it.
as *infernus* and *geist*. aoe/dot heroes.

the issue with the sustain is, using your numbers, 300hp per dash. on a 32s cooldown. whereas this new weapon item could in theory net up to 80 hp of a creep (and far more off a hero) on a 12 second cooldown. so lets do some math here. 15 goes into 32 roughly twice, thats just shy of 200 hp in the same time frame. so yes, worse than infuser, but infuser comes with spirit power that scales linearly based on the ability scaling, whereas bullet damage scales much much much harder than spirit. that +15% scaling hits way harder on someone like geist or kelvin with high bullet damage, than the +16 spirit on a hero like infernus with a .5x on his passive a .7x on his dash.

oh and you dont need to have a cooldown to get sustain, nor do you have to know how place your flamedash/bomb to get optimal lane coverage. point and click.

why buy resto shot when i can buy this. why buy extra regen when i could buy this.
Infernus in particular can use his Flame dash and heal for well over 300 HP with Infuser in a single use on 1 Creep wave.
That's one interaction on one hero burning an escape or all-in cd in order to heal for "well over 300 hp" every 32 seconds. Nobody else buys infuser very often. With this new item, more heroes other than Infernus could not only heal up off of troopers more often, but also get cooldown reduction as well. Even haze would pick up this item for the sustain and cooldown on her dagger.
whereas this new weapon item could in theory net up to 80 hp of a creep (and far more off a hero) on a 15 second cooldown.
It's actually closer to 12 seconds.