Cocoon (Time travel-themed Support Hero)


New member
This concept is still pretty rough, admittedly-- but I feel like getting feedback on the idea before I lock anything in is the best way for me to make this concept as best as it can be.


Background: Cocoon's life story, much like Cocoon themself, *seems* fairly mundane. They grew up in the suburbs, raised by two loving parents, then moved to the city to study and work. All in all, a fairly average life for a middle-aged person like themself... who won't be born for nearly a decade. Growing up, Cocoon's parents were incredibly cagey about their history and how they met. By the time they passed, Cocoon only knew two things-- that their mother and father grew up in New York, and that they met each other just after The Ritual. If Cocoon ever wants to find out the truth, they'll have to travel back in time to see it for themself. Of course, the smallest of changes to the past could completely change the future-- their present-- and a time-traveler showing up to the most consequential event of the twentieth century is no small change.

Weapon(s): Their primary weapon is an anachronistic machine pistol, similar to a MAC-11. Their abilities are controlled by a device on their opposite forearm, similar to a Pip-Boy from the Fallout franchise.

Ability 1: Cocoon is pulled backward, returning to the position they were at several seconds ago. If they lost health and/or used ammo before rewinding, a small portion will be restored. Upgrading increases how far back this ability 'rewinds' the player, how much ammo/health is restored upon activation, and allows Cocoon to deal damage to enemy players they phase through.

Ability 2: When used on a nearby ally (or themself), instantly removes any and all debuffs. Upgrading increases the number of charges, and grants small bonuses to the target.

Ability 3: A passive ability that allows Cocoon to automatically secure souls in a small radius around them. Upgrading increases the radius size, enables the ability to deny enemy souls, and enable the ability to collect items dropped from urns, idols, and boxes.

Ultimate Ability: A shockwave of quantum energy errupts out of Cocoon's wrist device, and spreads thoughout a massive radius. Any enemy heroes, enemy troopers, and neutral creeps in this radius recieve minor damage over time. Any ally heros in this radius recieve healing based on the damage this ability deals. After a few seconds, the wave collapses back on Cocoon, stunning them for a few seconds. Cocoon's appearance also changes, but this is a purely cosmetic feature.

Appearance: Due to the nature of Cocoon's ultimate, they have no 'set' appearance. Instead, their appearance is randomly selected at the start of a match, and randomizes again whenever their ultimate is used. They have a 'masculine' and 'feminine' body, with a small pool of outfits shared between them. Both forms have greying black hair, pulled back into a messy ponytail, and wear aviator goggles. Their 'masuline' form resembles singer-songwriter Michael Sembello, and their 'feminine' form resembles choreographer Toni Basil.

Upon activating their ultimate, there is a very, *very* small chance of them to be wearing an incredibly anachronstic glam metal-inspired outfit.