Cloven/Fathom/Stranger (+ concept art)

Really great looking art, stranger's my personal favorite.
As for skill feedback:

Cloven: What if Bolster synergized with his ult by being castable either on an ally or yourself, and granting 50% Status resist for a short duration. As for his ult, I think having the enemy affected by the debuff die should automatically remove the debuff from Cloven.

Fathom: Love the tentacles for an arm, I think you could simplify Catch and Release by having it not be able to throw heroes ( instead of them being throwable for a very short duration, would probably just cause folks to spam the button to get it off in time) and instead drag them along to wherever you move for a short duration. You could have it so that minions thrown at heroes would slow both, and finally for more ease of use, have Catch and Release be a toggle, which then asks you to either press M1 to catch an enemy and M2 to catch a hero (that way in scenarios where theres a bunch of heroes in front of you you can more accurately execute your skill and get the desired effect), that way you can have his second ability instead be used as the ally saver/enemy abductor by having it work on both enemies and allies

Stranger: This thing looks fuckin awesome, but his kit is so complex/weird/out there that I dont really have anything constructive to say about it xd, although I will say string of fate and mirror are a bit too similar for my taste, I'd personally like to see other options for their kit, if you happened to cycle through a couple before reaching this iteration.
Really great looking art, stranger's my personal favorite.
As for skill feedback:

Cloven: What if Bolster synergized with his ult by being castable either on an ally or yourself, and granting 50% Status resist for a short duration. As for his ult, I think having the enemy affected by the debuff die should automatically remove the debuff from Cloven.

Fathom: Love the tentacles for an arm, I think you could simplify Catch and Release by having it not be able to throw heroes ( instead of them being throwable for a very short duration, would probably just cause folks to spam the button to get it off in time) and instead drag them along to wherever you move for a short duration. You could have it so that minions thrown at heroes would slow both, and finally for more ease of use, have Catch and Release be a toggle, which then asks you to either press M1 to catch an enemy and M2 to catch a hero (that way in scenarios where theres a bunch of heroes in front of you you can more accurately execute your skill and get the desired effect), that way you can have his second ability instead be used as the ally saver/enemy abductor by having it work on both enemies and allies

Stranger: This thing looks fuckin awesome, but his kit is so complex/weird/out there that I dont really have anything constructive to say about it xd, although I will say string of fate and mirror are a bit too similar for my taste, I'd personally like to see other options for their kit, if you happened to cycle through a couple before reaching this iteration.
agree with the cloven feedback, those're smart ideas.
i REALLY wanna throw other heroes i think people would get a kick out of it. what if it just had a longer grab time. the toggle is smart didnt think about that.
mirror amplifies dmg of a unit but string shares damage between multiple units. strangers kit is meant to work like a rubegoldberg machine with the ult setting everything off as you transform back into man form. threading the needle.
im mainly aiming for fun before balance, so my stuff is bound to be broken and dumb, but otherwise i might as well entertain myself with a calculator
agree with the cloven feedback, those're smart ideas.
i REALLY wanna throw other heroes i think people would get a kick out of it. what if it just had a longer grab time. the toggle is smart didnt think about that.
mirror amplifies dmg of a unit but string shares damage between multiple units. strangers kit is meant to work like a rubegoldberg machine with the ult setting everything off as you transform back into man form. threading the needle.
im mainly aiming for fun before balance, so my stuff is bound to be broken and dumb, but otherwise i might as well entertain myself with a calculator
"i REALLY wanna throw other heroes" Lmao fair enough. I've gotta say stranger's kit is unorthodox, but reading your explanation makes me like it more, I can feel it growing on me. And yeah, a kit should be fun before it's balanced, sounding like Im crying over numbers being too high is actually a worry of mine when Im writing criticism for kits, but I think just tweaking a kit to where you can more easily imagine it in-game really makes the whole kit come together in your head, or in mine at least it does.

Oh and I recommend you add "+ concept art" in your title, people dig that shit (I specifically dig that shit)
but I think just tweaking a kit to where you can more easily imagine it in-game really makes the whole kit come together in your head, or in mine at least it does.
that DOES makes sense and it is appreciated thank you. i mean that too. having someone interested enough to think and respond to my concepts.