Of course you would bring up rank as if it means something. It doesn't look like cheating, it looks like experience. Prefiring is real, he's prefiring vectors for low angular velocities. Have you done a lot of shooter game, vehicular combat games? That's a lot more relevant than your rank.
he matches your footwork, I would be on his screen that whole initial burst looked like a perfect track.
it DOES look like bad hitreg/bad network/lag/desynchronization in some capacity. Been gaming 30 years. Been every rank in so many games. Seen verified cheaters vs not in CS using match history (search for vac banned players). I don't see a toggle here.
It literally looks 1:1 with this other thread you're claiming isn't cheating where aimed shots look like where there is a consistent offset in what's being displayed, but in the other guy's case you blame the replay system, which is exactly what it looks like here. Also I watched your replay, Infernus goes down bad dies twice as often as he gets a kill ends the game literally last place in score. He spends the entire game in YOLO send it mode, almost never pulls it off again, and then you win the game. I guess this cheater just has a losing kink.