Character Tier List - Our thoughts on the current patch!


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Hey all, we put together a video discussing current characters in the game and their viability. We got pre-permission from the Deadlock team before posting here, so no worries on that front!


I've included the image in a spoiler in case you want to watch the video first!

Let us know your thoughts and we will put together another update once there is a new patch release.

Thanks all <3
I've just made some timestamps for people that would like to view their hero specific discussions:

Abrams: Starts at 1:11
Bebop: Starts at 4:39
Dynamo: Starts at 8:18
Grey Talon: Starts at 10:39
Haze: Starts at 14:14
Infernus: Starts at 18:32
Ivy: Starts at 24:49
Kelvin: Starts at 28:49
Lady Geist: Starts at 33:10
Lash: Starts at 35:49
McGinnis: Starts at 41:29
Mo & Krill: Starts at 47:37
Paradox: Starts at 56:29
Pocket: Starts at 1:01:23
Seven: Starts at 1:06:51
Vindicta: Starts at 1:11:29
Viscous: Starts at 1:15:21
Warden: Starts at 1:23:44
Wraith: Starts at 1:28:48
Yamato: Starts at 1:31:23
I'm surprised to see Ivy considered middling to good - I think they're fantastic! Really like these lists to begin with though. I think a lot of the more mechanically complex characters - Pocket, for example, are often being underrated in other areas of the community as people just haven't really had a chance to get to grips with them yet. On that topic - I do think that most of the characters with excellent jungling ability (Seven, especially) will see their viability and "tier" climb when people begin to realise the ability to snowball soul difference using them.
It's true, Ivy is strong, but I just feel like there are others that do more in the game than her. She's got some really nice kit, though.

Pocket is definitely underrated but he's also a little easy to counter with quite cheap items early. I think he'll get a small buff in the next patch and then we'll see him go into S.
Who are these people though? Do not recognize them from any competitive shooter or MOBA game, don't think their opinion holds any weight at all. My games are on the front page so I am "high mmr", not that it matters with such a small player base, and I disagree with a majority of this list, except mcginnis placement
Here is my tierlist and explaination as to why I put it this way

Grey Talon (GT) and McGinnis. S+ broken. Why? GT is broken because if you were to get rapid recharge + just maxing spirit power for the charged shots, you are shooting 800-1k damage per shot and because its rapid recharge, you can shoot it 4-5times in a fight. I dont know why the AoE of the charged shot is HUGGEE. Even dashing still gets clipped is already enough to make people fall back. I used to complain about the flight thing as it was broken back then but nahh, this charged shot is way too busted.

McGinnis. Same with GT. If you max turrets with spirit power, anytime the opponents want to fight your team fight, they have to deal with 3-4 turrets. If they push further, because of where you will be position, aka behind your team mates, you be doing artillery damage and yeah... its not funny at all. Its funny how even if there is 2-3 enemies in your lane, they cant push to take ground because of McGinnis artillery and turrent abilities.

The orange category. Strong because you just pick bullet build. They deal strong damage, be it ultimate or just overall shooting. Haze is an exception where during laning phase, she sucks hard but around 20 mins in, she should start dominating the lane

Light Orange category. They are the front liners and start fights. Be it getting hooked, infernus running in with ulti, Pocket going in with shotgun, Yamato with 2nd skill or Lash jumping in, these people are frontliners that will lose if no one backs them up but overall win the fights. You generally want 1-2 of them as you need someone to initiate fights and tank up

Yellow Category: For Mo&Krill, I have a 50-50% chance with them either winning or losing. They tank well, have good HP and good skills but their bullets damage is eh and their ulti is great but leaves you vulnerable. Seven is errr yea... a noob killer. Sure everything is great with Seven and when you majectic leap and ulti, you be thinking "I'm going to get kills" and then someone throws a "knockdown" skill and your ulti is wasted. It takes 1 person to do this and well, thats that. Warden is the same. If you start hearing his ulti, with the "warp stone", you just countered him. Wraith falls here too because I've notice that she gets countered HARD, especially against Viscous. Vindicta spell can disarm her, Mo spell can disarm her, any spell that makes you teleport, get hook, get disrupted, phase out = ulti doesnt work but if you dont notice her, she can instant solo kill anyone. I also believe that metal skins make her pointless?

Dynamo. We all know he is Enigma in Dota. Simple.

Paradox. Bullet build wise, he isnt bad but not great like Haze or Ivy. Spirit wise, he can catch someone with ulti which makes the fight 5 vs 6 but his charged bullet and temporal bomb isnt "killing the enemy". Strong but not strong broken strong. He also isnt tanky so yea.

Lastly the green category. Abrams falls here because I find reloading each bullet weird and because its weird, you cant shotgun people like Pocket. The build so far I've been noticing is the "Punch Build" but well.. it get countered with F (parry). Then you are also charging into people while doing that. yeah..... Lastly Kelvin. I did mention in my feedback that Kelvin cant kill. You igloo someone and use beam and it just doesnt kill. And while beaming, you cant use any spell so hit more dps and if you igloo more than 1 opponenent, you are kinda screwed even with good HP regen. Heck, I even posted up awhile back asking people how to play him and get kills and it gotten 30 views on the forum but no replies so yea...

Yea my 80hr gameplay tierlist. Ty for reading my TEDTalk.


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What you said about McGinnis is so true. I just never feel like I can do much as her, this one Abrams kept rushing me down and killing me really quickly lol.
I will agree that spirit talon is an unequivocal S+++ tier. Busted laning phase, busted spirit burst, and if he goes on a killstreak (happens often with talon mains), he's now popping owls almost constantly that can and probably will one-shot most teams. even traps arm so fast it's rather easy to escape pursuit.
Here is my tierlist and explaination as to why I put it this way

Grey Talon (GT) and McGinnis. S+ broken. Why? GT is broken because if you were to get rapid recharge + just maxing spirit power for the charged shots, you are shooting 800-1k damage per shot and because its rapid recharge, you can shoot it 4-5times in a fight. I dont know why the AoE of the charged shot is HUGGEE. Even dashing still gets clipped is already enough to make people fall back. I used to complain about the flight thing as it was broken back then but nahh, this charged shot is way too busted.

McGinnis. Same with GT. If you max turrets with spirit power, anytime the opponents want to fight your team fight, they have to deal with 3-4 turrets. If they push further, because of where you will be position, aka behind your team mates, you be doing artillery damage and yeah... its not funny at all. Its funny how even if there is 2-3 enemies in your lane, they cant push to take ground because of McGinnis artillery and turrent abilities.

The orange category. Strong because you just pick bullet build. They deal strong damage, be it ultimate or just overall shooting. Haze is an exception where during laning phase, she sucks hard but around 20 mins in, she should start dominating the lane

Light Orange category. They are the front liners and start fights. Be it getting hooked, infernus running in with ulti, Pocket going in with shotgun, Yamato with 2nd skill or Lash jumping in, these people are frontliners that will lose if no one backs them up but overall win the fights. You generally want 1-2 of them as you need someone to initiate fights and tank up

Yellow Category: For Mo&Krill, I have a 50-50% chance with them either winning or losing. They tank well, have good HP and good skills but their bullets damage is eh and their ulti is great but leaves you vulnerable. Seven is errr yea... a noob killer. Sure everything is great with Seven and when you majectic leap and ulti, you be thinking "I'm going to get kills" and then someone throws a "knockdown" skill and your ulti is wasted. It takes 1 person to do this and well, thats that. Warden is the same. If you start hearing his ulti, with the "warp stone", you just countered him. Wraith falls here too because I've notice that she gets countered HARD, especially against Viscous. Vindicta spell can disarm her, Mo spell can disarm her, any spell that makes you teleport, get hook, get disrupted, phase out = ulti doesnt work but if you dont notice her, she can instant solo kill anyone. I also believe that metal skins make her pointless?

Dynamo. We all know he is Enigma in Dota. Simple.

Paradox. Bullet build wise, he isnt bad but not great like Haze or Ivy. Spirit wise, he can catch someone with ulti which makes the fight 5 vs 6 but his charged bullet and temporal bomb isnt "killing the enemy". Strong but not strong broken strong. He also isnt tanky so yea.

Lastly the green category. Abrams falls here because I find reloading each bullet weird and because its weird, you cant shotgun people like Pocket. The build so far I've been noticing is the "Punch Build" but well.. it get countered with F (parry). Then you are also charging into people while doing that. yeah..... Lastly Kelvin. I did mention in my feedback that Kelvin cant kill. You igloo someone and use beam and it just doesnt kill. And while beaming, you cant use any spell so hit more dps and if you igloo more than 1 opponenent, you are kinda screwed even with good HP regen. Heck, I even posted up awhile back asking people how to play him and get kills and it gotten 30 views on the forum but no replies so yea...

Yea my 80hr gameplay tierlist. Ty for reading my TEDTalk.
Sorry to call cap on Kelvin. He's very build dependent, but I'm able to dish out massive damage to everything. I just had 3rd highest player dmg, 3rd highest kills, and second highest obj dmg. It's all about doubling and tripling down on the beam.
Sorry to call cap on Kelvin. He's very build dependent, but I'm able to dish out massive damage to everything. I just had 3rd highest player dmg, 3rd highest kills, and second highest obj dmg. It's all about doubling and tripling down on the beam.
I dunno tbh cause I literally tried so many times to make him work but I cant get more than 10+ kills. Maybe you are queing in party but I'm doing it solo and it rarely works. And yes, I max beam + spirit it but it just cant burst them fast enough inside the igloo that the enemy player will usually just run out after the igloo duration finish