Can't shoot following update (Sep 2, 2024)


New member
Playing on PC, via Steam. When I initially tried the game, the day prior, I was able to spend 45 minute in a bot-only match using the character Seven. Shooting worked just fine. The next day, following an update on Sep 2, I started a game and was unable to shoot. I entered a bot-only match using the character Seven and shooting did not work. My friend tried it as well and it did not work. We both verified the integrity of the Steam files, restarted Steam, restarted PCs. Nothing worked. Cannot play the game in the current state.
I am the friend who ran into the same issue and attempted the listed troubleshooting steps as mentioned above. I was going to try further testing in a private match with bots, however I was unable to because I was temporarily banned at the time due to the troubleshooting requiring disconnecting from existing matches, and apparently that ban even included private bot matches.