cannot use actives (including debuff remover) when rabbit hexed


New member
title. I understand that the description says "most abilities" are unusable while hexed but it doesn't exactly explain which ones, and that description implies *character abilities*, not active items.

if this is intended it's incredibly imbalanced and removes the only real counterplay to what is effectively a much more powerful sleep dagger. unlike dagger, the attacker is allowed to continue shooting at you without you exiting the slept state, which feels awful to play against.
bro its just a better wraith ulti.
no debuff remove possible. No actives possible, more damage output, you cant do anything against it

wraigh ult as lvl 1 skillthe heros fucked up the game balance so badly..
bro its just a better wraith ulti.
no debuff remove possible. No actives possible, more damage output, you cant do anything against it

wraigh ult as lvl 1 skillthe heros fucked up the game balance so badly..
While rabit hex is indeed a little bit op in Deadlock(althought dota2 has even longer hexes, but they are ballanced bcs everyone there has stuns). I think that what really needs a rework is Wrait ult. It is HILLARIOUSLY underpowered for an ult.
Mark my words, in 4-6 years the game will be powercrept, with every hero becoming more and more complex. And then a simple 3s HEX will not be that powerfull. The same has happened to Dota 2.