Can Items actually be items?

I definitely agree. I love the way the Dota items look and i really hope Drew Wolf, the guy that designed them, comes back for deadlocks items eventually. But the thing is you eventually learn the items even without distinct designs, its just a matter of hours. New icons would help but it isn't a huge issue for me anymore at least.

*Jaw drop.*

That... blade......... IS. SO. GORGEOUS. *Dead.*

Also, as a heads up, this is really good to drop in the feedback forums!

I made a post over there about the items both mechanically and visually, so its definitely something a lot of people feel passionately about. :)



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I've begun to think of the items in this game as upgrades, some of which contain super buffs (passives) and extra skills (actives) to fill a kit/build. Even 'Divine Kevlar' or 'Metal Skin' gives a general idea before even reading the descriptions; and you may not have to read it again to remember. I like how its easy to tell what an item does from a glance for new comers and old alike. Although item icons and interesting names give flavor, its totally unnecessary.
Yeah i'm a big fan of the minimalist icons. Makes my brain hurt less when selecting what to buy. Having them just be things that represent what happens when you buy them is nice as opposed to a random swirlly ring that I have no idea what it does.