Can Items actually be items?


New member
There are a bunch of minimalistic icon items of 1 of 3 colors, but they all look the same and I have no idea what to buy, and spending a lot of time reading what each item does while also comparing it to other items while trying to keep in mind the ones I already read is bit much
I kinda just endup buying whatever and hope it works but by next game I now forgot the items.
Items being actual objects in dota like a ring, red sword, a brace with a gem, a piece of armor helps a lot when trying to remember what items are there. Just make them like dota plz
There are no categories, they're just sorted by price tier and their main attribute.
Also apparently some items upgrade into other but it needs to be made more obvious like suggesting the upgrade if you have a component.

I guess these kind of issues go away with playtime but I think it's still harder to pick up the game when all items kinda look the same at a glance.
Yes, this is (right now) my MAIN complaint.

It's hard to remember what you want to buy based on one simple icon.
it helped me a lot to take some time to make my own builds in the sand box

that meant i wasnt under game pressures to do things fast, and i was able to experiment with playstyles i thought were fun without worrying about opponents

And since i read through them, i was able to remember them a lot better
There aren't that many items, after 53 hours it's not a problem for me at all.

You have to understand that they'll be adding and removing items during alpha testing, it's a long way off from being finalized so why would they create a bunch of art they may not be using?...
I definitely agree. I love the way the Dota items look and i really hope Drew Wolf, the guy that designed them, comes back for deadlocks items eventually. But the thing is you eventually learn the items even without distinct designs, its just a matter of hours. New icons would help but it isn't a huge issue for me anymore at least.

I do think the devs do plan for this. Though I like the more comical arts, so it'd be more fun if the items weren't super-fleshed-out weapons and stuff like DotA but more silly looking things. Maybe a TF2-esque artstyle for the majority of items, so it still has a saturated and slightly flashy/comic-y artstyle but enough gruff and room for realism for uniqueness.
UI & icons are one of the last things you develop in a game like this, as so much playtesting and prototyping has to happen first. Not to mention new features that future items might play off. A better shop UI is 100% coming in the future.
Same here, the items all feel out of place like it belongs to another game feel. Also the dota 2 was extremely good for art when you saw the item you didn't even need to double check you knew exactly what it does even if it got buffed or nerfed the items image greatly effects ones choices.
Same here, the items all feel out of place like it belongs to another game feel. Also the dota 2 was extremely good for art when you saw the item you didn't even need to double check you knew exactly what it does even if it got buffed or nerfed the items image greatly effects ones choices.
it'll come soon i bet!
it'll come soon i bet!
I do hope so before a full release, like I said the item shop feels so out of place. I'm going to be off the main topic here too but I also hope there is day/night cycles and I like the map but dota 2 did it right with this side is evil and this side is good. Those are the three biggest issues I have with this.
I think some things should be obvious like this coming later, they just focus on more important things first than art in their early development game...
I definitely agree. I love the way the Dota items look and i really hope Drew Wolf, the guy that designed them, comes back for deadlocks items eventually. But the thing is you eventually learn the items even without distinct designs, its just a matter of hours. New icons would help but it isn't a huge issue for me anymore at least.

Half the problem with dota matches dragging out is that ego carry wannabes take 90 minutes to get a divine rapier, heart of tarrasque, assault plate and still lose the game, rather than focusing on the objectives. Still an issue this game is having but it’ll be worse when all people want to do is get the shiny
I really like the item icons that we have especially where they actually tell me that they do, Items like headhunter, tesla bullets, restorative shot, slowing bullets, swift strike/burst fire, toxic bullets.. These all directly tell me what they do without even reading the description. I'd love to see more of that.

As a non dota player. I have absolutely no idea what any of those things are going to do. I would guess the swords do more damage and probably have an effect, but a ring could do anything. I'll admit most of deadlocks spirit items are incomprehensible too, but for example improved reach could be the targeting circle, a ++ at the bottom and a larger targeting circle. Then I know what it does just looking at it

I'd prefer to see the icons changed to represent what the item does, like Crippling head-shot just looking like a monk for some reason