Camera FOV/Zoom Stuck after being hooked by Bebop


New member
Match ID: 11878337
Occurred around ~24 Minute mark.
I was playing infernus and got hooked by bebop causing my camera to change but after the cc concluded and i escaped the zoom/fov change from being hooked stayed. screenshots attached
It persisted until I hopped onto a zipline, which seemed to fix the issue.
True Idle.jpgIdle and ADS.jpg
UPDATE: I've now seen this camera issue happen to somebody else and bebop wasn't involved. the player did lose control of their character to a different form of CC though
Happened to me as well in match 13605900, I was playing Pocket and it happened somewhere in the mid-late game. I think this happened when I wanted to teleport / use a bunch of active items and suddenly my FoV was stuck until I eventually died where it reset again.