Button to hold to prevent teammate's cast-on-teammate effects


New member
I've accidently messed up a few plays by casting bad Viscous cubes. It would be great if there were a button you could hold to prevent such effects from being cast on yourself.

For example if you were Haze you could press 4 and then hold the "block friendly effects" button so you couldn't get accidently Cubed during your ultimate.

You can definitely call this a skill issue, but it would also be a helpful anti griefing feature.
I've accidently messed up a few plays by casting bad Viscous cubes. It would be great if there were a button you could hold to prevent such effects from being cast on yourself.

For example if you were Haze you could press 4 and then hold the "block friendly effects" button so you couldn't get accidently Cubed during your ultimate.

You can definitely call this a skill issue, but it would also be a helpful anti griefing feature.
I completely agree with you.