Butcher the Kid


New member
“My name is Butcher, and I ain’t no damn kid”


A quick to anger youth who was born in the hot southern climates. Butcher killed a legendary gunslinger, his father, at the age of 6, but not unscathed. He took a round in his good aiming eye and afterwords claimed he has already died once before and therefore is un-killable. He wants to be the best quick shooter in the world. Wears a cowboy hat and eyepatch. Pants tucked into snake skin boots.

Lowest health of all characters. Has 3 stamina bars. Dashes go far and ground dash is a forward roll. Revolver is slow firing, low base amount of ammo with 6 shots but hits hard and its fairly accurate. Bullets are quick velocity though short range.


1. Draw!
Butcher puts his revolver in its holster after speed loading the chamber with 6 total shots. stays there until he fires his gun. His punches become 15% stronger while the gun is holstered (can scale with levels). Upon pressing the firing button, Butcher becomes immobile and lets loose all 6 shots within a second. If items give him more ammo, the firing button can be held down and for every second it is held, 2 more reserve shots are added. Butcher is immobile while the button is held. Can be used midair and keeps momentum.

2. Dirty Tricks
Butcher kicks dirt into the eyes of very close by enemy, slowing their movement speed by 40% and disarming for 2 seconds. Does 50 spirit damage on level 1. A very close range move with a small cone of affect.

3. Spur Kick
Butcher can kick off of enemies, sending him flying backwards. Restores a stamina and deals melee damage. Used in combos to escape.

4. One Angry Shot
Butcher puts an “Angry Bullet” in his revolver and fires it. The bullet will ricochet off of walls and enemies, bullet goes in order of which enemy is closest to furthest. After hitting an enemy, it deals spirit damage and will bounce off of any surface before targeting the next enemy. Each struck enemy puts a spirit damage stack on the round, doing the most damage to the last enemy hit. Has a long cooldown. Has a short startup animation of Butcher placing the round in his gun’s chamber which slows his movement speed, animation carries some momentum if used mid air. Needs planning to be successful and is nearly useless against single targets.


During the firing/holding fire stage of Draw! Butcher takes the stance of professional quick shooters of real life.

When pinged, lines would be “I see the kid!” “Let’s get the kid!”.

Is rarely referred to by his actual name.

Spins his gun into his holster upon use of Draw!

“Where I come from, we shakes hands before shootin’ one another”