Burst Item Modifier--Burst Unlimited (name)


New member
Introducing an item that allows burst fire characters to remove the burst fire mode and convert into automatic fire would be an interesting items. Characters that have burst fire weapons do not benefit as much from fire rate increases compared to their automatic counter parts, but this isn't explained in the tutorials or in any text--you have to notice it in game or purposefully test it in the sandbox.

An item that allows you to remove the burst fire mode and convert to automatic fire would allow for a relatively unique upgrade path for burst fire characters. You could balance it by making the bonuses it gives other than the burst fire mode conversion to automatic fire relatively low so that non-burst fire type characters don't buy it for opportunity cost.

An example of bonus stats/draw backs could be that the item is a 3,000 cost item, so it's more of a mid-game option for those mid game power spikes. To make it more worthwhile it could give bonus weapon damage at < 15%. Alternatively, if it's made into an active item so that skilled usage is a factor, it could give a weapon bonus damage 20-25% to be worthwhile, yet not better than Tesla Bullets that offers a better burst damage option. The numbers could be adjusted in subsequent patches if needed.

This would enhance new characters created that can be bullet damage oriented without automatically being considered sub-par choices compared to automatic fire counterparts.