Build Deleted randomly, UI bug?


I would like to file a formal complaint that my build on one character (dynamo) appears to have been deleted by what i assume must be a UI bug.

I suspect this occurred because i moved from editing one build to editing another in the same sandbox instance without leaving and swapping characters manually. But i have no idea how to recreate it, just want to say it's happening.
I would like to file a formal complaint that my build on one character (dynamo) appears to have been deleted by what i assume must be a UI bug.

I suspect this occurred because i moved from editing one build to editing another in the same sandbox instance without leaving and swapping characters manually. But i have no idea how to recreate it, just want to say it's happening.
Whenever you swap character in the sandbox it seems it has troubles loading in any builds. There is a button just over the list of builds to refresh and it should then load in any builds for that character again. Maybe this was the cause for your problem.