Buggy Quickbuy interactions with items that open a submenu


Seems like when you queue up 2 or more items and the first item opens an item slot/infuse submenu, it will still try "buying" the next item in the sequence which causes it to be removed from the quickbuy queue. Also, if you click Cancel, it will immediately try buying the item again and reopen the submenu. This is problematic if it's because your item slots are full, as you're forced to sell an item or be softlocked.
To explain my experience with this interaction:

In a lobby with quickbuy enabled:
1) have 0 flex slots
2) purchase 4 vitality items
3) set a vitality item(not an upgrade to items from step 2) to quickbuy
4) enter a shop

The shop will attempt to buy the 5th vitality item, however there is no room. It will prompt the user to sell an item. If you cancel, it will loop back to attempting to buy the 5th item.