BUG - Minion Drop Pod stuck on map, blocking minion pathing


New member
MatchID 1379238 at 15:10~ CEST 16/08/2024


Minion drop pod was found on yellow lane as pictured below:


This drop pod appeared invincible and drew aggro of attacking enemy minions.
Additional information:

A player shooting the cage causes the minion to become killable again, minions attacking the cage appears not to. example matchid: 1788387 timecode in match: ~22:40 ingame time - Game played 18/08/2024 at 22:30~
As far as I understand, this is a very old bug, I see it from time to time for a month.

From what I noticed, usually after such a capsule is destroyed, several creeps come out. Either one capsule gets stuck in another, or it gets into some kind of geometry joint and does not realize that it has reached the ground.

Apparently it’s worth adding a check for the maximum lifetime of the capsule. Measure the time it takes her to get from one base to another, and after it expires, automatically spawn creeps and destroy the capsule. Otherwise, she can stand unnoticed for a very long time and aggro creeps.