New member
She is not in a good state. She dropped from S tier to D tier from the nerfs. How the hell is that fair? The biggest problem she has is survivability, she doesn't have much at all! The turrets do fuck all, her meds can't heal her enough to outpace damage most of the time (2v1 and it does fuck all, I always max it out! It's useless without it!), and the quickest cooldown wall doesn't mean crap if a hero gets on top of you. Not to mention defenseless when ulting and a hero is on top of you.
I have tried everything! Item combos, and what not but she is still easy to kill.
This can't go on, right now she is underpowered relative to most heroes. She needs a buff TODAY.
The turrets need a rework. They turn too slow, they do piss damage, Sometimes the shoot the ground if put in a high place. They should aim at heroes when you are shooting them at range. Doing piss damage to the nearest creep isn't helpful! The benefits of freezing a wave with a turret are gone after 10 minutes. They need to be much more dynamic and responsive. And just revert to damage to a previous state, they are simply BAD and can't be relied upon to do damage or save yourself.
The meds need scaling with heal speed. Just a little bit! Because after laning its so easy for a hero to outpace it's healing, even when fully upgraded and with lots of spirit.
Widen the wall a little bit, there are too many chokepoints where the wall can't properly seal it off. The duration of the slow debuff should be increased to, it's not punishing enough just to hit someone with a wall, its just a little smack, and no spirit build in the world can make it do adequate damage.
Give damage resistance when heavy barrage is active, Seven has his at Tier 1 upgrade, do something similar.
And lastly, increase her base health! She's support, has low mobility, but has the same average health as most other heroes??? Either that or give her a passive like Bebop who gets bullet resist per boon, but spirit instead. Spirit spam has killed McGinnis more than anything. It's also hard for her to escape such abilities, she has freaking armor but is squishy! I barely notice the 15% bullet resist, she needs more survivability.
Bottom line, she needs a buff, just look at win rates and pick rates. The other support heroes are way harder to kill with their abilities, why is McGinnis one of the easiest heroes to kill?
I have tried everything! Item combos, and what not but she is still easy to kill.
This can't go on, right now she is underpowered relative to most heroes. She needs a buff TODAY.
The turrets need a rework. They turn too slow, they do piss damage, Sometimes the shoot the ground if put in a high place. They should aim at heroes when you are shooting them at range. Doing piss damage to the nearest creep isn't helpful! The benefits of freezing a wave with a turret are gone after 10 minutes. They need to be much more dynamic and responsive. And just revert to damage to a previous state, they are simply BAD and can't be relied upon to do damage or save yourself.
The meds need scaling with heal speed. Just a little bit! Because after laning its so easy for a hero to outpace it's healing, even when fully upgraded and with lots of spirit.
Widen the wall a little bit, there are too many chokepoints where the wall can't properly seal it off. The duration of the slow debuff should be increased to, it's not punishing enough just to hit someone with a wall, its just a little smack, and no spirit build in the world can make it do adequate damage.
Give damage resistance when heavy barrage is active, Seven has his at Tier 1 upgrade, do something similar.
And lastly, increase her base health! She's support, has low mobility, but has the same average health as most other heroes??? Either that or give her a passive like Bebop who gets bullet resist per boon, but spirit instead. Spirit spam has killed McGinnis more than anything. It's also hard for her to escape such abilities, she has freaking armor but is squishy! I barely notice the 15% bullet resist, she needs more survivability.
Bottom line, she needs a buff, just look at win rates and pick rates. The other support heroes are way harder to kill with their abilities, why is McGinnis one of the easiest heroes to kill?