McGinnis breaking wall


Please make a McGinnis wall that can be broken by a heavy melee attack. It's impossible to play against. She has hand damage, durable turrets, a heal, a powerful magic ult, a stun, and a wall that saves her from literally everything. This is NOT NORMAL.

I'll also write about Ethereal Shift. Don't you think that such an imba as invulnerability should have a long cooldown and should cost 6200? This is nonsense. Look at LoL, where a similar item is expensive and has a 120 sec cooldown.
Please make a McGinnis wall that can be broken by a heavy melee attack. It's impossible to play against. She has hand damage, durable turrets, a heal, a powerful magic ult, a stun, and a wall that saves her from literally everything. This is NOT NORMAL.
I'm not sure what people get at when they say "This hero is OP" and then proceed to list what their kit does without actually making an argument for why they're OP. You can make any hero sound OP by doing this. Abrams does a million melee damage, can stun you twice to guarantee two punches, can charge in and out, heals from just taking damage??, and drains the entire team's health at once?
I'll also write about Ethereal Shift. Don't you think that such an imba as invulnerability should have a long cooldown and should cost 6200? This is nonsense. Look at LoL, where a similar item is expensive and has a 120 sec cooldown.
Zhonyas in LOL is pretty notorious because the game is much more rigid. Mages often don't have options to deal with assassins one-shotting them other than popping zhonyas or using flash which both have crazy cooldowns. But in Deadlock roles are much less defined both hero wise and item wise. Even the "hard carry" heroes have escape tools like Wraith TP and Haze Smoke Bomb's phaseout. Plus, you can use stuff like Warpstone, Debuff Remover, Metal Skin, Unstoppable, etc. to mitigate lots of burst damage or CC. This makes Eth shift one of the many strong defensive options universally available, which in turn makes it not as insanely polarized as Zhonyas in League.

You can see that problem pretty plainly in League. When Perfect Timing was still around pro players would literally get it just to use a Zhonyas once in an entire fucking game, and if a champion that wasn't "allowed" to build Zhonyas built it once then people would flip out. Same reason was why it was removed as a component from Guardian Angel. When there's no options to cover your weaknesses the impact of these items becomes way crazier.
I think a heavy melee breaking the whole wall would be making the ability too weak. If they were to want to nerf McGinnis wall, I would prefer they let us break "sections" of the wall which each have their own HP bar. The wall already appears to have sections (you can see the lines on it), maybe the wall HP could scale with her health like her turrets used to?
Ginnis doesn't need any more nerfs imo. Since the last patch/nerf turrets are basically unusable now, and gun is countered with every single one of the 400 CC items and abilities in the game.
"durable turrets" "Powerful magic ult" I gotta be honest, Skill issue there

Turrets have at max 450 hp and are insanely easy to kill (If you see them start to glow/spark they're already dead, stop shooting at them)
Her ult is just meh, managing to get it to deal anything close to the damage other ults (*cough* Haze *cough*) deal is a miracle.

Her wall and gun are the only parts of her kit that truely shine as something worth using (Heal is fine, but nothing special), I get it can be annoying but there are many ways to deal with it (Use your own cc vs her, use your mobility to go around/above it, if she isn't going gun/is behind in souls just kill her, ect.)
Picking up debuff reducer/remover may help you deal with the stun and the bonus damage she gets from hitting you with her wall.
ginnis wall counterplay.gif

:nerdemoji: erm actually
also it can be jumped over with warp stone or well executed wall bounces depending on situation.
There's a character in the game that runs like a jet, one-shotting everyone in his field of vision, but people keep complaining about McGinnis, who's a slow pig with a nearly useless skill set, with a weapon that needs to hit at least 80 shots to kill someone and still needs to be charged before it can start shooting properly. I can't understand these people who cry over this character, especially those who complain about his turrets, 450HP and 40dps, what do people see as so broken about that? Compared to the other characters in the game, McGinnis is nothing. Haze disintegrates enemies in an instant, runs like a jet, becomes invisible, has one of the most stolen ultimates in the game, and I don't see anyone complaining, but then the slowest character in the game comes along and puts a wall in front of them and they're like "@#*!&$#!"