Bsods and game freezes


New member
Im running a gtx1080ti and a xeon e5-2666v3 at the high graphics preset. Ive received a VIDEO_SCHEDULER_INTERNAL_ERROR blue screen and freezes. Both happened seemingly at random at the lane. I dont remember what happened to trigger the bsod, but the game freeze happened when using infernuses ultimate on the zipline. Msi afterburner shows that both cpu and gpu dont go above 70 degrees celcius during the game.

EDIT: Forgot to mention that in other high load environments this does not happen to my pc at all, only in deadlock.
For me it was Vulkan, the moment i changed to Direct x 11 it came back to normal (graphics settings ingame). Also Try going to the nvidia panel and change the configuration of the "cache shader" to "off". Sometimes in a cache problem that crashes the video driver.