Brosnan the Boxer: Fight'em "Fair" in a Melee Duel to the Death


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Brosnan: The Hand-to-Hand Duelist

Get ready for a real high-class bout!

As a back alley boxer who went legit with only a slight gambling problem, Brosnan's never been above getting his hands dirty for a few extra souls. While his publicist tries in vain to paint him as a paragon of honest sportsmanship, anyone who's actually faced him in the ring knows Brosnan's none too shy about aiming below the belt. (Just ask Lash.)

With skills that buff his melee attacks and set opponents up for the K.O., Brosnan's knuckling up to make sure ain't nobody walking outta that ring with the champ's belt but him.

Weapon: Starting Pistol

Brosnan's always preferred to settle matters mano-a-mano, but even this wimpy starter pistol can pack a punch with a few duel wins under his belt.
  • Ammo: 12
  • Type: Revolver
  • Fire Rate: 1.7 shots per second

Ability 1: Somersault

Brosnan leaps up and forward, slamming the ground where he lands to slow and damage enemies. If an enemy hero is standing within heavy melee range of Brosnan when cast, they will also be pulled into the jump then suplexed into the ground, briefly stunning them.

While jumping, Brosnan can spend stamina bars to increase the height and/or distance of the somersault by jumping and dashing midair.
  • Cooldown: 35 seconds
  • Somersault Distance: 10m
  • Slam Damage: 150 (scales with Weapon damage)
  • Slam Radius: 5m
  • Slam Slow: 20%
  • Slow Duration: 3 seconds
  • Grab Angle: 45º, centered on front
  • Suplex Stun Duration: 1.5 seconds


  • 1AP: -20 second cooldown
  • 2AP: Refresh all stamina bars on cast
  • 5AP: +1 second stun/slow duration

Ability 2: Harry

Brosnan hypes himself up for the several seconds, granting himself Bullet and Melee Lifesteal, increasing the travel distance of heavy melee attacks, and inflicting a stacking slow to enemies walloped by his melee attacks.
  • Cooldown: 30 seconds
  • Buff Duration: 8 seconds
  • Bullet/Melee Lifesteal: 30% (scales with Spirit)
  • Heavy Melee Distance Bonus: 30%
  • Melee Slow (Regular / Heavy): 5% / 15%
  • Maximum Slow: 45%
  • Slow Duration: 4 seconds, refreshed by new stacks


  • 1AP: +15% Bullet/Melee Resist while active
  • 2AP: +30% Heavy Melee travel distance while active
  • 5AP: -50% Heavy Melee charge time while active

Ability 3: Lick Wounds

Brosnan huddles down and channels in place for 5 seconds. Upon completion, Brosnan heals 30% of missing health and gains temporary weapon/melee damage equal to 10% of damage healed. Brosnan can still parry while channeling, and a successful parry will instantly complete the channel. (Thanks @Chilla9001!)
  • Cooldown: 25 seconds
  • Channel Duration: 5 seconds
  • Missing Health Healed: 30%
  • Healed Health to Damage: 10% (scales with Spirit)
  • Damage Buff Duration: 10 seconds


  • 1AP: +20% missing health restored
  • 2AP: +40% Bullet and Spirit Resist for 5 seconds on channel start
  • 5AP: -3 second channel time

Ultimate: Cage Match

Target an enemy hero within 15 meters and ring the starting bell. For the next 7 seconds, both Brosnan and the target hero are trapped within a 15m spectral boxing ring in an honorable melee duel to the death!

While in the ring, both heroes are disarmed, silenced, unable to use items, untargetable by enemies or allies, and cannot take damage from any source except each other. Running against the ring's ropes will flip you around and bounce you in the opposite direction with a slight speed boost. Both heroes' guns are replaced with boxing gloves.

If either hero is killed in the ring, the other gains a permanent +10% weapon/melee damage.
  • Cooldown: 80 seconds
  • Ring Duration: 7 seconds (scales with Spirit)
  • Ring Radius: 15m
  • Victory Reward: +10% Weapon/Melee damage, stacking permanently


  • 1AP: Brosnan gains +4 m/s move speed in Ring
  • 2AP: +10% Weapon/Melee victory bonus
  • 5AP: Brosnan can cast abilities and items while in Ring (but is still disarmed)
    • And you thought Lash was an asshole.

Alternate Ability 2: Dementia Pugilistica

Brosnan aims right between the eyes, rattling his opponent's brain box with each blow. Melee attacks temporarily silence the target and extend any current ability and item cooldowns they have. Addled opponents are then slowed for each ability and item cooldown they have.
  • Cooldown: 30 seconds
  • Buff Duration: 8 seconds
  • Silence Duration: 0.5 sec (Regular) / 1.5s (Heavy)
  • Cooldown Extension per Melee Strike: 1s (Regular) / 3s (Heavy)
  • Slow per Active Cooldown: 10% (scales with Spirit)
  • Slow Duration: 4 seconds, reapplied per hit


  • 1AP: +20% Melee Lifesteal while active
  • 2AP: +1 sec Silence duration and Cooldown Extension
  • 5AP: Afflicted enemies cannot use Stamina bars
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Does Cage Match knock all other players outside the cage if your target has players standing next to them?

Aside that, I love the concept of the ultimate, as it allows players to counter him by building melee builds themselves. Sounds pretty cool.
Does Cage Match knock all other players outside the cage if your target has players standing next to them?

Aside that, I love the concept of the ultimate, as it allows players to counter him by building melee builds themselves. Sounds pretty cool.
No, Cage Match would only affect Brosnan and his target. Other heroes could see it and walk through it, but I would imagine the participants would be slightly faded out to indicate they're not valid targets to any outsiders.

I could see a 5AP upgrade (or Aghanim's Scepter, if this game ever gets one), trapping ALL nearby targets inside, which would be hilarious when your nearby allied Vindicta suddenly has to punch for her life.
Love the flavor text, and a character having melees as part of their main kit makes sense.
Only suggestion I have would be to make lick wounds 5 seconds long, but if Brosnan parries a melee while it's active it immediately completes, so that way folks fighting him would always be worried about meleeing him, as he can just activate it and immediately parry to screw them over massively.
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A back alley boxer is a great idea for a character. I like your design of being able to spend stamina to enhance a skill. Cage match is a neat spin on Legion Commander’s ult. My critique is his ultimate is so spectral powered, but the rest of his kit exists without magic. I want more spectral influence on his other skills.
Love the flavor text, and a character having melees as part of their main kit makes sense.
Only suggestion I have would be to make lick wounds 5 seconds long, but if Brosnan parries a melee while it's active it immediately completes, so that way folks fighting him would always be worried about meleeing him, as he can just activate it and immediately parry to screw them over massively.
That's an interesting suggestion. It does mean you could still pepper him with regular melee attacks while he stands there and tries to out-heal it. Definitely would require some trigger (finger?) discipline on the part of his opponents. I've updated the main post.

Also do you have any opinion on which Ability 2 you prefer?
That's an interesting suggestion. It does mean you could still pepper him with regular melee attacks while he stands there and tries to out-heal it. Definitely would require some trigger (finger?) discipline on the part of his opponents. I've updated the main post.

Also do you have any opinion on which Ability 2 you prefer?
I'm definitely leaning towards pugilista, this fella has already 2 abilities that buff his dmg so a third seems a bit much, nice name for an ability btw. I had an idea while writing this tho, so what if dementia pugilistica also made it so that if YOU get hit, also get slowed and silenced? that way itd work kinda like a sudo-"berseker's call" (axe's q(from dota)) in the sense that, you're not forcing the enemies to fight you per say, but they get rewarded for sticking around and meleeing you back, which at that point were they to heavy melee, you can cast your 3 and parry. And thing about regular melees in that case is, melee aren't good outside of the early game, and if you're meleeing, it means you're not shooting your gun, so itd really make the player think about wether or not they should engage Brosnan, wether or not they can bait him well enough to drop that parry early and get in a quick heavy melee and run away before they get pummeled to death. Sorry for rambling haha, your kit's got some really neat potential, hopefully valve takes a look at it.
A back alley boxer is a great idea for a character. I like your design of being able to spend stamina to enhance a skill. Cage match is a neat spin on Legion Commander’s ult. My critique is his ultimate is so spectral powered, but the rest of his kit exists without magic. I want more spectral influence on his other skills.
I'm glad you like the concept. Tresdin's Duel is just too fun a mechanic to ignore in a MOBA-shooter like this and I tried to imagine the most fun way to include it.

As for the spectral theming, I realize Brosnan's kit is more secular than, say, Vindicta or Wraith, but he's not alone. For example, Mo & Krill and Lash have fairly non-occult kits in this eldritch version of New York, so I wouldn't say it's super out of place. That said, I could imagine adding a few otherworldly touches, like making Lick Wounds have shadows converge on Brosnan while he channels (shadowboxing -- get it?), or maybe have enemies stunned by Somersault have ghostly li'l green pigeons circle around their heads or something. Valve's got good character design chops, so I figure they could fill in the gaps.
Welp they changed the forum settings so you can't edit posts after a few minutes of making them. Sorry about the permanently dark top text, fellow dark mode users.


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