Bringing Dota's TURBO mode (to get faster game!)


New member

Played many games and wanna say that this game need TURBO mode BECAUSE EACH GAME more than 30 MINUTES BRO srly it's long
add like after 10 minutes for creeps double souls or faster game srly ( to play like maximum 20-25 minutes game pls! ) when people work they don't really have time to play 1 game when can play x2 or x3 during this 1 game srly.
I play dota 2 also but only turbo WHY? because i don't want to play 1 HOUR GAME IN DOTA when i can win/lose 15-20 min game and play like x3 game that 1 in normal mode.

I'm playing not like PRO players just ordinary player that want to spend fun play time if PRO want to play for MMR then also add MMR game + normal + turbo like in DOTA 2. Valve.

like/comment that VALVE will see this and add Dota's TURBO MODE
