BrewMother the Cat Lady Witch

BrewMother: A witch who's spells gain power the more she puts into her cauldron.
And one of these:
Fire a magic bolt. If it deals the killing blow to a creep add a soul to your cauldron. Heroes are worth 5 souls
Oopsies! :3: Spill your cauldron forward dealing damage. Damage increases with souls added to the cauldron. Enemies hit take bonus spirit damage
I'm Cat: Transform into a small cat with increased move speed. Can cast spells, breaking the transformation
Ultimate: Your Cauldron boils over raining down damage in a large area. Damage increases with souls added to the cauldron. Channeled

I definitely love the idea of turning into a cat, as I had a similar idea I was working up while you I tossed a link to your thread down in the bottom of my post.

Cat club is best club.
The image of a witch (with a brimmed hat) carrying around a giant cauldron is a winner. I like this a lot, but I don't think you need a souls mechanic.

Spills cauldron. Great ability idea, works on its own.

Transforms into cat for fast travel, as opposed to riding a broom. I think people will like it.

For the ultimate, I'm torn. On one hand, the cauldron is clearly a big part of her design. On the other hand, I don't care for an ability that is simply 'spill the cauldron more'.

Magic bolts is an okay idea. May as well serve as her basic attack, though.

I think there's a lot more design room here. Here's an idea, that I think works with her fast travel.... Throw potions that stay on the ground and are persistent, ala Deckard Cain from Heroes of the Storm. Potions on the ground can be picked up by allies. Now she's becoming more like a support, which is fine, I think.
Cat form drops the Cauldron, it slowly brews potions that drop around it. Can reactivate to zip back. Maybe make Cat form the Ultimate so the potions pack some real oomf.
Could make brewing single healing/damaging potions be a normal spell instead too. Maybe random with a rare 3rd variant of potion.