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About a month ago the Deadlock Subreddit had it's weekly discussion touch on the level-up experience. One of the things they presented as an idea was the concept of "branching" ability upgrades, similar to how Dota has it's Talents.
I like the idea, allowing players to specialize their characters according to their preferences or the needs of the team. Furthermore, I think having different choices to pick from when you upgrade your abilities would make the game more engaging and each hero more interesting on their own.
Here is the concept as I think it would work best in Deadlock:
All of the above ideas are just that, ideas. They aren't anything set in stone, but I did go through and try to come up with at least concepts for each hero that might give competition for the current Abilities on them.
As a reminder, ALL of these abilities would run concurrently with the abilities already in game. You can't access both 2 point upgrades without already having a 5 Point upgrade on that same ability and you can't have both 5 point upgrades without already having picked up both 2 point upgrades, and the total number of ability points is mostly unchanged. (You could now exceed the previous 32 AP with some Urn turn ins, but that's not a significant boost in most cases). The Total ability points available (sans Urns) is 32, and these add a total of 28 AP that can be spent per character, meaning you will be left with only half of the total options taken. The biggest difference is that this will allow players to have greater freedom to express how they'd like to play the given Heroes, specializing in different abilities if they like.
I do think that, with this added there should be a purchasable option to reset skill points but that's for another post.
I like the idea, allowing players to specialize their characters according to their preferences or the needs of the team. Furthermore, I think having different choices to pick from when you upgrade your abilities would make the game more engaging and each hero more interesting on their own.
Here is the concept as I think it would work best in Deadlock:
- The 1 Point ability upgrade has no options. There are no changes to the first ability point spent.
- Starting at 2 points and 5 points, players choose between 2 options when they upgrade their abilities. Once you choose an upgrade you cannot choose the other option until later.
- After getting a 5 point upgrade on an ability, you may choose to pick up the other 2 point upgrade that you passed on before for that same ability. You may then choose to pick up the other 5 point upgrade as well after picking up BOTH 2 point ability upgrades.
- The total number of ability points remains mostly UNCHANGED. This means that you cannot pick up all upgrades unless an absurd number of Urn deliveries come around.
- Delivering the Urn does allow you to exceed the previous limit of Ability Points, as it immediately grants you an Ability Point outside your normal Boons/Soul collection.
- Abrams
- Siphon Life:
- 2 Point: +40% Melee Life steal while Siphon Life is active
- 5 Point: +3m Radius and Increased Spirit Scaling on Radius (+0.1 spirit scaling)
- Shoulder Charge:
- 2 Point: Colliding with a wall now deals Light melee damage to caught enemies.
- 5 Point: +0.15s Duration on Stun. Stun now always triggers, even if you don't collide with walls.
- Infernal Resilience:
- 2 Point: +1% Maximum health Regeneration
- 5 Point: +10% damage reduction from all Sources
- Seismic Impact:
- +20 Spirit power per enemy hit. Lasts 25 seconds
- Seismic impact can now be activated even while Stunned or silenced and grants 20% Spirit and bullet resist while active.
- Siphon Life:
- Bebop
- Exploding Uppercut
- 2 Point: On Uppercut of NPCs, Instantly detonate any Sticky Bomb on the target with +20% damage.
- 5 Point: On Uppercut of NPCs, Instantly kill NPCs at less than 40% HP and launch a shadow duplicate the same distance and direction.
- Sticky Bomb
- 2 Point: +90% Stacking Bomb damage (90 Instant stacks)
- 5 Point: -1.2s Fuse time
- Hook
- 2 Point: -10s CD on missed hook
- 5 Point: Hooking an Ally grants you and the ally +2m/s Move speed and 20% Bullet and Spirit Resist
- Hyper Beam
- 2 Point:+1.5m Beam Width
- 5 Point: Unlimited Beam length, If the Beam is cancelled early, a portion of the CD is refunded
- Exploding Uppercut
- Calico
- Gloom Bombs
- 2 Point: On hero damage, grants +.7 bullet damage per hit
- 5 Point: Ability is now affected by Charge effects,+1 Charge
- Leaping Slash
- 2 Point: +1.5m Slashing Radius
- 5 Point: +50% Melee Speed on your next melee on Hit
- Ava
- 2 Point: +1s Duration whenever you break a Box or Urn
- 5 Point: -.5s Cooldown on all abilities whenever you break a break a box or Urn while transformed.
- Return to Shadows
- 2 Point: Can now reactivate the effect early. -50% damage on second effect when you do.
- 5 Point: Return to Shadows can now be activated while Silenced or Stunned
- Gloom Bombs
- Dynamo
- Kinetic Pulse
- 2 Point: +2m Ability Width
- 5 Point: -11s Cooldown
- Quantum Entanglement
- 2 Point: Allies can escape early from the ability by Pressing [Space].
- 5 Point: +12m Cast Range
- Rejuvenating Aurora
- 2 Point: +4m Friendly Heal Radius. Friendly heal is now invisible to enemies.
- 5 Point: +25 Spirit Power and +2m/s Move speed to allies affected by the Heal.
- Singularity
- 2 Point: +150 DPS. Damage dealt by Singularity is split between all affected creatures
- 5 Point: -30s Cooldown when 2 or fewer Enemy heroes are trapped by Singularity.
- Kinetic Pulse
- Grey Talon
- Charged Shot
- 2 Point: Charged Shot can now be alt-fired to deal Weapon Damage
- 5 Point: -10% Bullet resist on targets hit (6s Duration). Stacks up to 3 times
- Rain of Arrows
- 2 Point: Dashing during the ability now instantly reloads 20% Ammo
- 5 Point: Can now wall jump (by dashing away from an adjacent wall) while the ability is active to Refresh 50% of the total duration once per use.
- Spirit Snare
- 2 Point: +90 Spirit Damage
- 5 Point: -1.5s Arm Time
- Guided Owl
- 2 Point: +7 Spirit power for Hero Kills. Bonus Spirit can now be gained if the hero dies within 5 seconds of being hit with the Owl.
- 5 Point: +4m Explosion Radius. -50% Cast time
- Charged Shot
- Haze
- Sleep Dagger
- 2 Point: +1 Second Sleep Duration
- 5 Point: Enemy now only wakes up on taking 10% of their max HP in damage or more
- Smoke Bomb
- 2 Point: After Invis, Deal 100 Spirit damage in an 8m radius around you.
- 5 Point: After Invis, gain +20% Fire rate until you reload. (8s max duration)
- Fixation
- 2 Point: Damage dealt by your 1 Point ability is now done to all enemies within 5m of the target.
- 5 Point: -20 Max stacks. Whenever you reach max stacks on a target, deal your 1 Point ability damage again and gain 5% Fire rate (Stacks up to 5 times, 25s Duration)
- Bullet Dance
- 2 Point: +3 Spirit damage per enemy hero in Bullet dance Radius
- 5 Point: Clear all Debuffs and Gain Unbreakable for 3s on Use.
- Sleep Dagger
- Holliday
- Powder Keg
- 2 Point: Allies in the way of Barrels can now ride them, increasing Barrel travel speed.
- 5 Point: +.5s Knock up time
- Bounce Pad
- 2 Point: Dashing Downward after being launched costs no stamina and grants +30% Dash for 5s.
- 5 Point: +1 Charge
- Crackshot
- 2 Point: +120 damage vs. NPCs. Hitting NPcs now only triggers 25% CD.
- 5 Point: +4s Debuff Duration. +25% Dash speed slow.
- Spirit Lasso
- 2 Point: You can now Shoot and melee during lasso, but you deal -70% damage.
- 5 Point: -60% Cooldown on missed Lassos.
- Powder Keg
- Infernus
- Catalyst
- 2 Point: +30% Melee damage and +50% Melee Lifesteal against victims
- 5 Point: -10s Cooldown. +1 Charge refreshed when an enemy hero dies nearby
- Flame Dash
- 2 Point: Your Flame trail now continues to extend for 1.5s in the direction you were facing when the ability ends.
- 5 Point: +8m/s Max dash Speed. While moving at maximum speed, you are immune to movement speed slows and knock up effects.
- Afterburn
- 2 Point: Your melee attacks now apply Afterburn
- 5 Point: +13s Decay time. -25% reload Speed
- Concussive Combustion
- 2 Point: -1.5s Explosion Delay.
- 5 Point: On activation, deals 50% damage and .3s Stun in the same radius.
- Catalyst
- Ivy
- Kudzu Bomb
- 2 Point: +80 DPS vs. Shields. 50% of Spirit damage dealt to Shields is also dealt to Bullet shields against victims.
- 5 Point: Allies regenerate 5% of their ammo capacity per second while standing in Vines
- Watcher's Covenant
- 2 Point: +20% Healing Replicated. +50% Healing reduction resistance to tethered allies
- 5 Point: When not tether to anyone else and active, -50% reload time and +15% Fire rate
- Stone Form
- 2 Point: Activating Stone Form clears all debuffs.
- 5 Point: +2s Stone Form Duration. You can chose to end Stone form early, Immediately slamming to the ground.
- Air Drop
- 2 Point: +300 Spirit Shield. +75 damage
- 5 Point: +1 Ally picked up.
- Kudzu Bomb
- Kelvin
- Frost Grenade
- 2 Point: -8s Cooldown. +20% Spirit resist for 3s to Friendly targets
- 5 Point: +4s Cooldown penalty on abilities used for 5s.
- Ice Path
- 2 Point: Allies who follow your Ice Path for 2s begin forming their own Ice path for 3s.
- 5 Point: Taking damage while on an Ice path grants Stacking +.2m/s (Up to 10 times) for 6s.
- Arctic Beam
- 2 Point: +50% Spirit Scaling on Damage.
- 5 Point: +10% max Fire rate and Movement slow. Slows now scale with Spirit (Up to 80% slow. 1.5% scaling)
- Frozen Shelter
- 2 Point: You are immune to stuns while in the Frozen Shelter
- 5 Point: Allies (but not you) can enter or leave the dome, but are slowed by 50% while doing so.
- Frost Grenade
- Geist
- Essence Bomb
- 2 Point: +1.5s Arming duration. Deals 60% damage immediately on landing.
- 5 Point: -200% Self Damage
- Life Drain
- 2 Point: When alt cast, +100% healing done and -10s CD
- 5 Point: The damage effect now persists so long as the target is in tether range, even if you don't have line of Sight.
- Malice
- 2 Point: +5% Dash speed slow per stack
- 5 Point: Targets struck by more than 1 Shard suffer 1 additional stack per shard, but take no additional damage.
- Soul Exchange
- 2 Point: On Cast, immediately reset the Cooldown of your other abilities.
- 5 Point: +10m Range. Drains all of your target's Stamina, granting you +3 Stamina for 10s.
- Essence Bomb
- Lash
- Ground Strike
- 2 Point: Enemies affected are slowed by 30% for 3s.
- 5 Point: Stomp bonus damage now always deals damage as if you dove at least 15m. Diving further still grants bonus damage.
- Grapple
- 2 Point: +1 Charge. +10m/s Jump velocity
- 5 Point: Regain 1 Stamina on use. Can treat empty ground as a target for Grapple.
- Flog
- 2 Point: Dealing damage to a hero with this ability grants +20% Spirit and bullet Lifesteal against that target for 5s.
- 5 Point: -1 Stamina on targets hit. Now also deals light melee damage.
- Death Slam
- 2 Point: Connected enemies are slowed by 30%.
- 5 Point: Silence enemies in landing zone for 3s.
- Ground Strike
- Mcginnis
- Mini Turret
- 2 Point: Turrets can now be mounted on the sides of walls. +10m Cast range
- 5 Point: Turrets now inherit 100% of your bullet damage and apply bullet effects
- Medicinal Specter
- 2 Point: +20% cooldown reduction on units being healed by Medicinal Specter
- 5 Point: Ability now benefits from Charged ability effects. +1 Charge
- Spectral Wall
- 2 Point: Allies can now pass through the wall at -50% speed. (Projectiles do not)
- 5 Point: +1m Wall width. Allies can stand on the top of the wall and bounce off it. Bouncing off the wall does not count against your maximum wall bounces.
- Heavy Barrage
- 2 Point: Heavy Barrage gains an Alt cast that launches 10 rockets around the target location and triggers a 10s CD.
- 5 Point: Dealing damage to an enemy hero with rockets grants you a stacking +1% Damage dealt (maximum of 20 stacks) for 8s.
- Mini Turret
- Mirage
- Fire Scarabs
- 2 Point: +3 Scarabs. +2s Launch window
- 5 Point: You have +20% Bullet lifesteal against targets affected by your Scarabs.
- Tornado
- 2 Point: +1.5m Tornado Travel distance. +1m radius
- 5 Point: +3s Bullet evasion duration.
- Djinn's Mark
- 2 Point: On Active, applies mark to all marked targets instead of consuming it (even during normal Mark cooldown). This effect can only occur once every 40s.
- 5 Point: Shooting a target currently on cooldown between multipliers reduces remaining Cooldown by .2s per hit.
- Traveler
- 2 Point: Can be alt cast to summon a target ally to you.
- 5 Point: Your image no longer appears to enemies indicating where you are teleporting to. -30s Cooldown.
- Fire Scarabs
- Mo and Krill
- Scorn
- 2 Point: Gain +1.1 Bullet damage per enemy damaged for 6s.
- 5 Point: Adds a debuff that reduces damage dealt to Mo and Krill by the target by 8%. Stacks and lasts 16s.
- Burrow
- 2 Point: +1.5s Spin Duration. You retain the bullet and spirit Resist from the effect for 3s after Burrow ends.
- 5 Point: You can now use abilities and items while spinning.
- Sand Blast
- 2 Point: Ability Gains charges and gains +1 Charge.
- 5 Point: Affected targets also lose 8% of their Ammo per second while affected.
- Combo
- 2 Point: +30 bonus max health per kill
- 5 Point: You can now move at 50% of your speed while Channeling.
- Scorn
- Paradox
- Pulse Grenade
- 2 Point: Enemies struck by 2 or more pulses cannot Dash for 4s.
- 5 Point: -.2s Pulse Interval
- Time Wall
- 2 Point: Allies passing through the wall recover 5% max health and gain 2m/s Move speed for 4s (once per wall).
- 5 Point: Allied projectiles passing through the wall gain speed and deal 15% additional damage.
- Kinetic Carbine
- 2 Point: Bonus speed builds up over the charge duration to the Maximum speed.
- 5 Point: -65% Max Damage amp. Your Kinetic Carbine loads into an entire burst of your gun, and each shot in your normal burst fires a Kinetic Carbine shot.
- Paradoxical Swap
- 2 Point: +75% Spell Lifesteal
- 5 Point: -40s CD on missed swap
- Pulse Grenade
- Pocket
- Barrage
- 2 Point: Barrage Gains an alt cast, firing 2 Projectiles, but 50% reduced Cooldown.
- 5 Point: Damage Amp now stacks up when dealing damage to NPCs at 50% the value
- Flying Cloak
- 2 Point: +35% Cloak Movement speed
- 5 Point: -1s CD for each unique creature damage with Flying Cloak.
- Enchanter's Satchel
- 2 Point: If you prevent an ability from dealing damage to you with Satchel, +1s escape duration. (Once per cast)
- 5 Point: +30% Channel speed for your Barrage ability for 8s.
- Affliction
- 2 Point: Friendly targets in the area are instantly healed for 10% of their maximum health.
- 5 Point: Affliction's Damage becomes Lethal and ignores Shielding.
- Barrage
- Seven
- Lightning Ball
- 2 Point: +1s Lifetime. Your bullets deal +5 Spirit damage to targets inside a Lightning ball
- 5 Point: When 2 or more charges are available, this can be Alt cast to fire 2 Lightning balls in quick succession.
- Static Charge
- 2 Point: -1s Stun Delay
- 5 Point: When alt cast, you gain +20% Bullet resist for 4s.
- Power Surge
- 2 Point: The Shock damage can leap to and secure souls. -.5s Cooldown for each soul secured while Power Surge is active.
- 5 Point: The Spirit resist penalty from your 1 point ability can now stack up to 3 times on a target.
- Storm Cloud
- 2 Point: +1 Lightning bolt use per cast.
- 5 Point: You gain +3 Spirit each second you channel Storm Cloud. This spirit stacks and has a 5s Duration
- Lightning Ball
- Shiv
- Serrated Knives
- 2 Point: Landing a Knife on a bleeding target now Refreshes and extends the duration by 1s.
- 5 Point: +4 Spirit damage added to your bullets against Bleeding targets
- Slice and Dice
- 2 Point: +4m Dash range. +20 damage for each Enemy hero hit.
- 5 Point: Enable Ability Charges.
- Bloodletting
- 2 Point: -15s Cooldown on Hero kill.
- 5 Point: On active, Heal 100% of cleared deferred damage over 8s.
- Killing Blow
- 2 Point: While Rage is full, Primary and Alt fire of your gun fire 50% additional bullets.
- 5 Point: Finishing off an Enemy with Killing Blow triggers it's effect on all enemy heroes within 10m.
- Serrated Knives
- Sinclair
- Vexing Bolt
- 2 Point: Bolts apply -15% Bullet resist for 5s.
- 5 Point: +1 Charge. +50 Minimum damage.
- Spectral Assistant
- 2 Point: +1 Swap
- 5 Point: Swapping with your assistant also deals 60 Spirit damage (0.6x Spirit scale) 6m around you and your assistant.
- Rabbit Hex
- 2 Point: -25% move speed on Hexed enemies
- 5 Point: +30 Spirit damage and Spirit damage now scales with Spirit(0.4x)
- Audience Participation
- 2 Point: +30s Copy duration
- 5 Point: Ultimate copied gains half of the target's copied bonus spirit as well as benefitting from your Spirit.
- Vexing Bolt
- Vindicta
- Stake
- 2 Point: Staked targets take 100% of the initial damage over the Stake duration
- 5 Point: Your bullets no longer suffer Damage falloff against staked Targets
- Flight
- 2 Point: -12s Cooldown
- 5 Point: +25% movement speed while Flying. Bonus movement speed persists for 3s after Flight ends.
- Crow Familiar
- 2 Point: -20% debuff resistance
- 5 Point: +1.5% bleed damage
- Assassinate
- 2 Point: -.5s Scope time
- 5 Point: Successful assassination kills restore 1 Charge of Assassinate
- Stake
- Viscous
- Splatter
- 2 Point: +4s puddle duration
- 5 Point: Alt-Fire shots that land on Splatter area Bounce once.
- The Cube
- 2 Point: -2s Duration. The Cube instantly heals 10% Max health
- 5 Point: Cubed targets can Activate Items and dash.
- Puddle Punch
- 2 Point: +1.5m Radius
- 5 Point: +1 Charge. -.2s casting time
- Goo Ball
- 2 Point: +40% Slow and Debuff resist
- 5 Point: Can dash and Air dash while rolling. Can also hold [CTRL] to slow down.
- Splatter
- Vyper
- Screwjab Dagger
- 2 Point: Enable Ability Charges. +1 Charge
- 5 Point: Instead of a Fading slow, Slow now builds up to 75% over 1s.
- Lethal Venom
- 2 Point: Venom now also deals 100 Spirit damage (0.7x Scaling) over the duration
- 5 Point: -15% Bullet resist
- Slither
- 2 Point: +30% Stamina regen rate
- 5 Point: Sliding to a stop now clears all movement speed slow effects
- Petrifying Bola
- 2 Point: +1.5s Slow duration. Hitting Screwjab Dagger on slowed targets instantly petrifies them.
- 5 Point: Petrified targets take 70% reduced damage instead of no damage.
- Screwjab Dagger
- Warden
- Alchemical Flask
- 2 Point: +30% Dash speed slow
- 5 Point: Enable Ability Charges. +1 Charge
- Willpower
- 2 Point: +8s Duration.
- 5 Point: +200 Bullet Shield (3.93x Spirit scaling on Bullet Shield)
- Binding Word
- 2 Point: -0.3s Escape time and Escape time now scales down with Spirit (0.0055x, or 1.4s Escape time at 200 spirit)
- 5 Point: Warden gains +20% Bullet and Spirit Lifesteal against Immobilized Targets.
- Last Stand
- 2 Point: -0.7s Charge Time
- 5 Point: +30% Lifesteal against all targets
- Alchemical Flask
- Wraith
- Card Trick
- 2 Point: 30% chance to throw 2 cards instead of 1.
- 5 Point: Cards now bounce 1 to an enemy within 13m, prioritizing enemy Heroes.
- Project Mind
- 2 Point: Provides 300 Spirit Shield for 8s After teleport. Shield amount scales with bonus Spirit Power (2.62x)
- 5 Point: You can reactivate the teleport once up to 3s after completing the first one.
- Full Auto
- 2 Point: Bonus Spirit damage also applies to enemies within 4m
- 5 Point: Bullets fired build up Bullet and Spirit shield (1.5 each), to a maximum of 300 (or your maximum otherwise)
- Telekinesis
- 2 Point: +50% projectile speed
- 5 Point: Killing a target affected by Telekinesis refreshes it's Cooldown
- Card Trick
- Yamato
- Power Slash
- 2 Point: -.4s Channel time
- 5 Point: +1.5m Slash width. +10m Slash Length
- Flying Strike
- 2 Point: +50 damage and Increased Spirit Scaling (+.345 Scaling)
- 5 Point: +1m/s Move speed and -1 ammo consumed by Alt Fire for 6s after Grappling
- Crimson Slash
- 2 Point: Healing effect now occurs any time the Crimson Slash is used. +70 Health healed
- 5 Point: +60 damage and Increased Spirit Scaling (+.407)
- Shadow Transformation
- 2 Point: +1s Duration on Kill, +25% Cooldown Reduction while Transformation is active
- 5 Point: +30% Bullet and Spirit Lifesteal. Damaging an enemy Hero with a fully charged Power Slash reduces Shadow Transformation Cooldown by 2s.
- Power Slash
All of the above ideas are just that, ideas. They aren't anything set in stone, but I did go through and try to come up with at least concepts for each hero that might give competition for the current Abilities on them.
As a reminder, ALL of these abilities would run concurrently with the abilities already in game. You can't access both 2 point upgrades without already having a 5 Point upgrade on that same ability and you can't have both 5 point upgrades without already having picked up both 2 point upgrades, and the total number of ability points is mostly unchanged. (You could now exceed the previous 32 AP with some Urn turn ins, but that's not a significant boost in most cases). The Total ability points available (sans Urns) is 32, and these add a total of 28 AP that can be spent per character, meaning you will be left with only half of the total options taken. The biggest difference is that this will allow players to have greater freedom to express how they'd like to play the given Heroes, specializing in different abilities if they like.
I do think that, with this added there should be a purchasable option to reset skill points but that's for another post.