Bots Consistently Go To Wrong Urn Deposit Zone and Stand Still

With the new urn system, bots consistently go to the wrong deposit zone and just stand there holding the urn until someone gets close enough to aggro them. I haven't paid close enough attention to determine if it's every single time they grab the urn or if it's just that they choose a random deposit zone and sometimes get lucky for a turn in, but I've seen it happen at least 5 times in the past few bot matches I've played. With the old central urn turn-in, bots would occasionally get stuck trying to climb to the upper part of the central tower, but this is much worse.
This is still an issue. I realize not very many people play with bots so maybe it's a very low priority, but I like to play with bots when servers are down and this makes the matches far less enjoyable. It makes it a constant 4v5, for either team.