Bot Pathfinding Getting Stuck When delivering Urn


New member
Bot pathfinding seems to have trouble in a few areas but particular when trying to deliver urn, they will get stuck running circles around the medium camp with the dumpsters next to the urn delivery, and seem to be unable to break out of it until and enemy player arrives (minions don't get close enough). I unfortunately was unable to get a video of this but it seems replicable as I have seen it happen a few times now. Usually happens in the mid game (15-25 minutes in) when a bot is trying to get urn and the lane it has to be delivered in is clear.
Can we at least make the bots not do urn delivery for now? Bot games have been a pain for a while already cuz once the urn spawns, it's 4v5 til the end since one would be stuck running in circle permanently. The matches would last even longer than 45min.
It seems like they will pull back to base if it's breached, but aside from that I had several just run circles; when I attacked enemy bots they wouldn't stop.
I managed to get a clip of a allied bot
I basically got the same as you did. Thought I just share mine aswell for better understanding


I found that when I am playing bot games in hard mode its mainly a paradox bot that will do this, only way Ive found to solve this is to lure an enemy bot towards the stuck ally bot