[Boss Concept] Waxen Massive


New member
Waxen Massive

Under the street in the depths of the Cursed Apple, something sinister congeals.

A candlemaker warns his son not to dispose of old dirty wax down the drain, as it will clog up the pipes. The kid doesn't listen, so night after night he heats up the candle dross and dumps it down the drain to end his day's apprenticeship duties before sundown. Under the candle shop a beast congeals, imbued by a boy's careless dishonesty, a Waxen Massive hexed by subtle incantations of hopeful deception. Drip by drip this wax monster grows. City pipes gurgle songs, possibly the cries of any hero unfortunate enough to stumble upon it.


An enormous mound of wax, think a drippy technicolored Jabba The Hut. Its eyes and teeth flicker within dancing spirit flames, his teeth sharp and blue as if from a blow torch. Candle troopers spawn from its body. This boss could eat heroes and take from them purchased upgrades.
We might need a reworked middle boss, but not another boss, it will allow trading one for the other in most scenarios. More objectives ≠ better game