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Vengeful spirits? Gangsters??? (WO)MAN-BATS??????
There's only 1 person capable of bringing order and peace to.....whatever hellhole of a city the deadlockers (their title until someone provides me official proof that it ISN'T deadlockers) find themselves battling in, and that'sBATMAN *NONDESCRIPT VIGILANTE*
But, how? Well...
Basic attack : Batarang (we're dropping the act, this whole kit is (mostly) based off of batman)
Throws a single boomerang per click as their basic attack, projectile based and travels relatively slower when compared to other projectile based basic attacks, makes up for it by dealing more dmg.

Ability 1 : Explosive Batarangs
Loads 3 explosive batarangs, the next 3 basic attacks explode on impact, dealing additional dmg in an aoe and slowing everyone hit.

(Slight misrepresentation (they are also slowed))
Ability 2 : Grapple Gun
Fires a grappling hook, does nothing if shot at an enemy, but if shot at a solid surface, you will be dragged towards it. If the "Ability 2 key" is pressed again before you reach your destination, you will perch on said solid surface for however long you want, you can also basic attack while perched (with a height advantage, landing your batarangs becomes far easier) or even fire another grappling hook, were it to come off cooldown while perched. Press jump while perched to stop perching.
Aptly tilted "Batman perched" by asFIXiate on DeviantArt
Ability 3 : Brave and Bold Duration : 8 seconds (I guess)
Extending their arms both ways, allowing their cape to drape down and outwards, it seemingly grows way out of proportion, now covering a larger area. Batman's (you're already this deep in shut up) hit-box grows to match the size of the cape, but takes far reduced damage, while slowing down significantly (Im thinking 80% dmg resistance but 80% slower). While Brave and Bold is active, Batman casts a large shadow (matching this size while Brave and Bold is active) behind him, giving invisibility and some hp regen to allies inside it (buff lasts for a bit after exiting his shadow).
If cast while in the air, Batman will slowly float down.
This, but the shadow is cast behind him instead of in-front.
Ability 4 : Nightfall Duration : 5 seconds (definitely)
Batman calls down the night, nearly smothering his enemies with bats, reducing the vision of enemy players located in an aoe around him to only a small sphere around their model, and completely covering their mini map in darkness.

Normal vision of player not affected by Nightfall
Vision of player affected by Nightfall
New Lore (It's good I swear):
Governors Island, New York, The city that never sleeps
Jesus Christ Paulie, you know there's expensive shit in these boxes right?
...........It's fine
Yeah? Well I don't want the boss on our ass just 'cause you can't seem to remember how to fuckin' lift with you back instead of your legs
Yeah yeah whatever
WHAT da FUCK is the matter with you???? you tryna get us fired?
The sound startled me okay??? back off
Startled you? what are you a fuckin baby?
................Holy shit it's cause of the rumor, isn't it?
For FUCK's sake Paulie, you were there, you saw that prick get his brains blown out what more do ya fuckin need?
What? you waitin for me to hug and kiss you too? fuck's sake grow u-
..........................Fuck you talkin about?
he wasn't dead.............. they kept em alive for folks there to see, had him in chains with a dozen guards around him
huh..........wait........they had him in his stupid fuckin costume too?
holy shit! What a fuckin sight that musta been, always wanted to see that jerk put in his place, still dont know why you were picked to be there 'stead of me
Do you fuckin feel bad for em? is that what's got you all fucked up? gotta be fuckin kidding me!!
...................I dont.......
You get to hang out with the biggest fuckin Big men of New York, all the biggest fucken gangs, fuck me I even heard some folks say Wraith was there, and all it takes is 1 dead guy to break ya dow-
HEY I Fucken heard ya the first time idiot im right here
NO not like that,...................They fucked up the ritual
..............?? And what the fuck would you know about any ritua-
TONY, FUCKIN LOOK AT ME, my skin's redder than your fuckin blood and I've got 2 spikes pokin out of my fuckin skull, I aint that smart when it comes to this shit but I can tell when shit goes horribly fuckin wrong
...........I thought they got the best ritualists they could bribe? what, you telling me all the biggest guys cheaped out and hired some randos off the streets?
You're not......they got competent folks, that wasnt what went wrong
Then what was? fuckin hell just spill it out already
I AM TELLING YOU, he wasnt dead.................I asked some folks around and they all told me the same thing
and that was?
Some fucker messing with your operation for years?? some guy you just wanna fuckin get rid off and make sure people fuckin notice and never mess with you again? You get a ritual going, you get the prick you KILL the prick and DESTROY the fucker's soul for eternity
You mean like...... no after life?
I mean nothing, just death and then youre fuckin gone from every plane forever, no way to be brought back cause there aint NOTHING to bring back
so?? sounds like normal prodecure to me
All the bosses, from all the gangs, some poche pricks were there too, some freaks who call themselves the "mendoza syndicate", that Old hag Lady Geist, they even got some Tunnel rats as body guards for the whole event. And yeah, Wraith was there too. He'd fucked with all of them at some point or the other, and now, they had him right where they wanted em, kneeling in front of em, bloodied and half dead, with a yoke around his neck.
After they'd all taken their turns walkin up to him and fuckin with em, they all sat back and waited for the ritual to begin. Except Wraith.
She walked up to him, looked at em, and just left.
She left??? she missed that fuckers execution? why the fuck would she ever do that??
I...... I think she knew they'd fuck it up
Ok how exacly do the best fucken ritualists that money can bribe fuck up the simple ritual of a NORMAL POWERLESS GUY IN A COSTUME??
By having fuckin idiots tell em what to do
Hey, the boss was there too you watch your fucken mouth
THE "BOSS" along with the rest of em didnt want to make a fuckin example out of him, they wanted him to fuckin suffer, they wanted to make themselves feel good by knowing that hed still be out there, in complete agony at all times for the rest of time
So they blew his soul up
so you DO feel bad for em you fuckin pussy
You send a SOUL to hell, you dont fuckin send a whole body, and you sure as FUCK dont send a soul that very clearly isnt supposed to be there
I saw it when the ritual began, people were still laughin and talkin like nothing important was going on, I saw HIM, still wearing the costume, get grabbed by hands made of fire, they seared him while grabbing at him, pulling him down through the floor.
Man I wished I was there to hear that jackass scream
You wouldnt have heard anything
not from his mouth, and definitely not from the mouths of the folks who'd payed for whole ordeal, not after they realized that through all of the unbelievable pain they'd put him through, he still wouldn't even let out a single breath, no grinning teeth for them to see, no crying eyes under that cowl, just........................... a scowl and then........ he was....... he......
then what??
he was gone, and the whole room stayed silent, and then they all left
Sounds like it worked to me
HES in HELL, and he doesnt belong, hes gonna pop out like a sore thumb, like..... like a fuckin beacon!!
So what?
So what if someone finds him?
In hell? Like who? Hitler?
Someone powerful!
You said he was half dead before the ritual started he aint gonna make it
I'm getting sick'o your shit paulie, im gonna get the boxes hauled and im going home, you do fuckin........................... whatever
OH you fuckin broke something for sure this time, you fuckin dumba-.....................................Paulie? Where the fuck are y-
New York City, what was once the pride of america is now reduced to a barely contained cesspool of crime and terror
New York City, what once housed the model american now houses the vilest specimens of human kind
New York City, The city that never sleeps, and soon
Neither will its people
Ok but they can't ACTUALLY be batman: I still maintain that a vigilante character would fit quite well in deadlock, and since I've taken some liberty with some aspects of the kit, I think a vengeful spirit vigilante would fit the bill perfectly, supernatural AND he fights goons. But unlike some other vengeful, floating, gun wielding blue ghost lady, this fella/gal takes one last attribute from the dark knight, no ends could justify the taking of a life, no. This spirit is vengeful, yes, and it is an ardent, all-consuming vengeance that once drove them through life, and now drives them even after death. A vengeance so potent, it is more akin to a thirst. Not a thirst for blood, but rather something, not as impartial, yet just as necessary— justice (You may now cringe out-loud).
Batman the animated series Intro
Closing thoughts: Soooooo, what did you think? did you like it? did you hate it? Was that last paragraph cheesy enough to awaken all that pent up anger and anxiety only us moba players posess? If so then please tell me about it below! I had a ton of fun making this post, so any and all criticism are welcome (barely disguised slurs/insults count as criticism). Also, if YOU have an idea for a hero kit, but can't seem to roughen out the finer details, such as: Coming up with a 4th skill - Coming up with a 3rd skill - Coming up with more than a single skill without making the kit ungodly levels of broken.
Then DM me on Discord, I'm Chilla 9000#0279 on there and I'd love to make more of these and/or help folks out with their ideas.
Anyways, I hope you had as much fun reading this essay as I had writing it, here's to hoping your next deadlock match isn't a complete stomp!
Good luck!

Vengeful spirits? Gangsters??? (WO)MAN-BATS??????
There's only 1 person capable of bringing order and peace to.....whatever hellhole of a city the deadlockers (their title until someone provides me official proof that it ISN'T deadlockers) find themselves battling in, and that's
But, how? Well...
Basic attack : Batarang (we're dropping the act, this whole kit is (mostly) based off of batman)
Throws a single boomerang per click as their basic attack, projectile based and travels relatively slower when compared to other projectile based basic attacks, makes up for it by dealing more dmg.

Ability 1 : Explosive Batarangs
Loads 3 explosive batarangs, the next 3 basic attacks explode on impact, dealing additional dmg in an aoe and slowing everyone hit.

(Slight misrepresentation (they are also slowed))
Ability 2 : Grapple Gun
Fires a grappling hook, does nothing if shot at an enemy, but if shot at a solid surface, you will be dragged towards it. If the "Ability 2 key" is pressed again before you reach your destination, you will perch on said solid surface for however long you want, you can also basic attack while perched (with a height advantage, landing your batarangs becomes far easier) or even fire another grappling hook, were it to come off cooldown while perched. Press jump while perched to stop perching.

Ability 3 : Brave and Bold Duration : 8 seconds (I guess)
Extending their arms both ways, allowing their cape to drape down and outwards, it seemingly grows way out of proportion, now covering a larger area. Batman's (you're already this deep in shut up) hit-box grows to match the size of the cape, but takes far reduced damage, while slowing down significantly (Im thinking 80% dmg resistance but 80% slower). While Brave and Bold is active, Batman casts a large shadow (matching this size while Brave and Bold is active) behind him, giving invisibility and some hp regen to allies inside it (buff lasts for a bit after exiting his shadow).
If cast while in the air, Batman will slowly float down.

Ability 4 : Nightfall Duration : 5 seconds (definitely)
Batman calls down the night, nearly smothering his enemies with bats, reducing the vision of enemy players located in an aoe around him to only a small sphere around their model, and completely covering their mini map in darkness.

Normal vision of player not affected by Nightfall

New Lore (It's good I swear):
Governors Island, New York, The city that never sleeps
Jesus Christ Paulie, you know there's expensive shit in these boxes right?
...........It's fine
Yeah? Well I don't want the boss on our ass just 'cause you can't seem to remember how to fuckin' lift with you back instead of your legs
Yeah yeah whatever
WHAT da FUCK is the matter with you???? you tryna get us fired?
The sound startled me okay??? back off
Startled you? what are you a fuckin baby?
................Holy shit it's cause of the rumor, isn't it?
For FUCK's sake Paulie, you were there, you saw that prick get his brains blown out what more do ya fuckin need?
What? you waitin for me to hug and kiss you too? fuck's sake grow u-
..........................Fuck you talkin about?
he wasn't dead.............. they kept em alive for folks there to see, had him in chains with a dozen guards around him
huh..........wait........they had him in his stupid fuckin costume too?
holy shit! What a fuckin sight that musta been, always wanted to see that jerk put in his place, still dont know why you were picked to be there 'stead of me
Do you fuckin feel bad for em? is that what's got you all fucked up? gotta be fuckin kidding me!!
...................I dont.......
You get to hang out with the biggest fuckin Big men of New York, all the biggest fucken gangs, fuck me I even heard some folks say Wraith was there, and all it takes is 1 dead guy to break ya dow-
HEY I Fucken heard ya the first time idiot im right here
NO not like that,...................They fucked up the ritual
..............?? And what the fuck would you know about any ritua-
TONY, FUCKIN LOOK AT ME, my skin's redder than your fuckin blood and I've got 2 spikes pokin out of my fuckin skull, I aint that smart when it comes to this shit but I can tell when shit goes horribly fuckin wrong
...........I thought they got the best ritualists they could bribe? what, you telling me all the biggest guys cheaped out and hired some randos off the streets?
You're not......they got competent folks, that wasnt what went wrong
Then what was? fuckin hell just spill it out already
I AM TELLING YOU, he wasnt dead.................I asked some folks around and they all told me the same thing
and that was?
Some fucker messing with your operation for years?? some guy you just wanna fuckin get rid off and make sure people fuckin notice and never mess with you again? You get a ritual going, you get the prick you KILL the prick and DESTROY the fucker's soul for eternity
You mean like...... no after life?
I mean nothing, just death and then youre fuckin gone from every plane forever, no way to be brought back cause there aint NOTHING to bring back
so?? sounds like normal prodecure to me
All the bosses, from all the gangs, some poche pricks were there too, some freaks who call themselves the "mendoza syndicate", that Old hag Lady Geist, they even got some Tunnel rats as body guards for the whole event. And yeah, Wraith was there too. He'd fucked with all of them at some point or the other, and now, they had him right where they wanted em, kneeling in front of em, bloodied and half dead, with a yoke around his neck.
After they'd all taken their turns walkin up to him and fuckin with em, they all sat back and waited for the ritual to begin. Except Wraith.
She walked up to him, looked at em, and just left.
She left??? she missed that fuckers execution? why the fuck would she ever do that??
I...... I think she knew they'd fuck it up
Ok how exacly do the best fucken ritualists that money can bribe fuck up the simple ritual of a NORMAL POWERLESS GUY IN A COSTUME??
By having fuckin idiots tell em what to do
Hey, the boss was there too you watch your fucken mouth
THE "BOSS" along with the rest of em didnt want to make a fuckin example out of him, they wanted him to fuckin suffer, they wanted to make themselves feel good by knowing that hed still be out there, in complete agony at all times for the rest of time
So they blew his soul up
so you DO feel bad for em you fuckin pussy
You send a SOUL to hell, you dont fuckin send a whole body, and you sure as FUCK dont send a soul that very clearly isnt supposed to be there
I saw it when the ritual began, people were still laughin and talkin like nothing important was going on, I saw HIM, still wearing the costume, get grabbed by hands made of fire, they seared him while grabbing at him, pulling him down through the floor.
Man I wished I was there to hear that jackass scream
You wouldnt have heard anything
not from his mouth, and definitely not from the mouths of the folks who'd payed for whole ordeal, not after they realized that through all of the unbelievable pain they'd put him through, he still wouldn't even let out a single breath, no grinning teeth for them to see, no crying eyes under that cowl, just........................... a scowl and then........ he was....... he......
then what??
he was gone, and the whole room stayed silent, and then they all left
Sounds like it worked to me
HES in HELL, and he doesnt belong, hes gonna pop out like a sore thumb, like..... like a fuckin beacon!!
So what?
So what if someone finds him?
In hell? Like who? Hitler?
Someone powerful!
You said he was half dead before the ritual started he aint gonna make it
I'm getting sick'o your shit paulie, im gonna get the boxes hauled and im going home, you do fuckin........................... whatever
OH you fuckin broke something for sure this time, you fuckin dumba-.....................................Paulie? Where the fuck are y-
New York City, what was once the pride of america is now reduced to a barely contained cesspool of crime and terror
New York City, what once housed the model american now houses the vilest specimens of human kind
New York City, The city that never sleeps, and soon
Neither will its people
Ok but they can't ACTUALLY be batman: I still maintain that a vigilante character would fit quite well in deadlock, and since I've taken some liberty with some aspects of the kit, I think a vengeful spirit vigilante would fit the bill perfectly, supernatural AND he fights goons. But unlike some other vengeful, floating, gun wielding blue ghost lady, this fella/gal takes one last attribute from the dark knight, no ends could justify the taking of a life, no. This spirit is vengeful, yes, and it is an ardent, all-consuming vengeance that once drove them through life, and now drives them even after death. A vengeance so potent, it is more akin to a thirst. Not a thirst for blood, but rather something, not as impartial, yet just as necessary— justice (You may now cringe out-loud).

Closing thoughts: Soooooo, what did you think? did you like it? did you hate it? Was that last paragraph cheesy enough to awaken all that pent up anger and anxiety only us moba players posess? If so then please tell me about it below! I had a ton of fun making this post, so any and all criticism are welcome (barely disguised slurs/insults count as criticism). Also, if YOU have an idea for a hero kit, but can't seem to roughen out the finer details, such as: Coming up with a 4th skill - Coming up with a 3rd skill - Coming up with more than a single skill without making the kit ungodly levels of broken.
Then DM me on Discord, I'm Chilla 9000#0279 on there and I'd love to make more of these and/or help folks out with their ideas.
Anyways, I hope you had as much fun reading this essay as I had writing it, here's to hoping your next deadlock match isn't a complete stomp!
Good luck!

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