Bonnie Fibiano - Skeleton Mobster Hero


New member

Bonnie is an undead mobster boss who excels at doing burst damage and has a unique fire rate delay of 1.5 between each shot fired.
Her fire rate cannot be improved in any way, but she adds half of the value from items as bullet damage.
Furthermore, she only gains a quarter value from increases to ammo.

Dps 40Bullet Damage 90
Ammo 8Bullets 0.7
per sec
Light Melee 63Heavy Melee 116

Max Health 650Health Regen 2
Bullet Resist 8%Spirit Resist 0%
Move Speed 7Sprint Speed 0%
Stamina 3

Hero 1.png
1 Rattle em' Boys!
Bonnie targets a location within sight, summoning
a firing line of skeletons to attack her enemies.

The damage ramps up quickly within a square in front
of the skeletons. It starts at 15 dps and caps at 75 dps at 3 seconds.
Lasts 5 seconds.
Within a square 7m wide and 14m long.
Cool down is 45 seconds

Technical details

Heroes will only take damage to the current dps remaining, and not
the total amount of damage dealt.
Base total spirit damage is equal to 314 but can be increased through duration
and spirit power increase.
Visually, a single skeleton is added each second, until only two seconds remain.
The skeletons do not target heroes and simply apply damage to the area in front of them
regardless if there is anything in front of them.

Hero 2.png
2 Sinister Graps
Bonnie makes a motion with her hand, as a giant
spectral skeleton hand reaches out in front of her
pulling any enemies in her direction.

16m long, 6m wide
40 spirit damage
pull enemies towards Bonnie by 4m
40s CD

Technical details
Once cast, it will still pull enemies even if Bonnie is dead
Pulls towards the location Bonnie was at during the initial cast
Halts movement until the pull finishes, in which movement is completely returned
Visuals appear on the cast and the pull activates 1.4 seconds afterward, giving a little time for the enemy to react.

Hero 3.png
3 Scatterblast
Bonnie summons a spectral shotgun in her hands, quickly firing it in the direction
she's facing. She is pushed backward by the force of the blast. Deals 50% extra damage at point-blank range.

1 charge
26s cd
80 damage

4m out to 6m width, 8m length

Technical details

Pointblank range is always 2m in front of the casting location
Bonnie completely stops moving to cast this spell
There is a 0.2 delay as she readies the shot, but once the first charge is fired she
can completely unload without delay
Pushes Bonnie back around 3m after the cast.
Range increases both spell range and blowback, but does not increase the point blank range

Hero 4.png
Spirit Coach
Bonnie summons her spirit coach to give her a lift.
Additional Details (I posted early by mistake)

Rattle em' boys!
Ability Points
1 +2m
2 -12s
5 +15 damage
Sinister Grasp
Ability Points
1 -20s
2 -12 spirit resist and 20% slow after pull
5 +40 damage
Ability Points
1 +1 Charge
2 +15% point-blank
3 Bonnie can now move during cast
Spirit Coach
Bonnie summons her spirit coach to give her a lift. Duration is 20s and deals 35 damage to anything
that gets hit by the front of the coach. At the end of the duration, or if stunned or canceled, the coach deals 140 damage at the crash location, and half values at half the radius.

90s CD

Technical details
Bonnie cannot be slowed or rooted but can be stunned out of the spirit coach, forcing it to explode.
The spirit coach can also be halted by terrain, and will explode in 3 seconds if unable to move.
The spirit coach cannot move backward, only forward and left to right
Turn speed is harshly reduced, think of primal beast from Dota 2
Can be canceled early, but only deals half damage if canceled below 10 seconds
Moves at a static speed of 20m/s
Ability points
1 +4m crash
2 deals a 10dps burning slow behind the coach and at the crash location. The burn lasts 5 seconds
5 Spirit Coach Convoy
More technical details
Spirit Coach is 6m wide by 7m long. This cannot be increased
The burning slow is behind the tires and only leaves 2 lines of flame. The fire lingers on the ground for 2s
Spirit coach convoy creates an additional spirit coach every 3.5 seconds for a total of 2 extra coaches. These follow the exact
route as the original, before crashing at the location for the full amount. These coaches can be impeded by terrain, and will explode in 3 seconds if unable to move
Additional Details (I posted early by mistake)

Rattle em' boys!
Ability Points
1 +2m
2 -12s
5 +15 damage
Sinister Grasp
Ability Points
1 -20s
2 -12 spirit resist and 20% slow after pull
5 +40 damage
Ability Points
1 +1 Charge
2 +15% point-blank
3 Bonnie can now move during cast
Spirit Coach
Bonnie summons her spirit coach to give her a lift. Duration is 20s and deals 35 damage to anything
that gets hit by the front of the coach. At the end of the duration, or if stunned or canceled, the coach deals 140 damage at the crash location, and half values at half the radius.

90s CD

Technical details
Bonnie cannot be slowed or rooted but can be stunned out of the spirit coach, forcing it to explode.
The spirit coach can also be halted by terrain, and will explode in 3 seconds if unable to move.
The spirit coach cannot move backward, only forward and left to right
Turn speed is harshly reduced, think of primal beast from Dota 2
Can be canceled early, but only deals half damage if canceled below 10 seconds
Moves at a static speed of 20m/s
Ability points
1 +4m crash
2 deals a 10dps burning slow behind the coach and at the crash location. The burn lasts 5 seconds
5 Spirit Coach Convoy
More technical details
Spirit Coach is 6m wide by 7m long. This cannot be increased
The burning slow is behind the tires and only leaves 2 lines of flame. The fire lingers on the ground for 2s
Spirit coach convoy creates an additional spirit coach every 3.5 seconds for a total of 2 extra coaches. These follow the exact
route as the original, before crashing at the location for the full amount. These coaches can be impeded by terrain, and will explode in 3 seconds if unable to move

This is peak design and I would absolutely play this character