Summary: Evelyn is a complex support focused hero who can buff allies, debuff enemies and deal respectable damage herself. She can divine the location of nearby enemies and target heroes through walls with her supernatural gift, granting fortunes to allies and enemies. Her mystical foresight allows her to predict the future and avoid an untimely fate, should she be swift enough to act, and as her power grows she can even impart that foresight onto others.
Evelyn wields a wax candle as her primary weapon, and uses some sort of magic to launch small bolts of fire from the lit candle. The candle goes out when she's out of ammo and she has to relight it with magic to reload. She also has a crystal ball that floats near her head, which is used to display the stored effect from Divination using colors and symbols.
Ability 1: Divination - Evelyn divines a fortune from her crystal ball, generating a random fortune. She can then recast the ability to apply it to the target ally or enemy (depending on the fortune), or middle mouse to cancel the fortune. The fortune can be stored for a long time or indefinitely (?), and the ability does not go on cooldown until the fortune is used or cancelled. If the fortune is cancelled the cooldown is reduced significantly. T1 reduces cooldown, T2 increases the power of all fortunes slightly, T3 increases the duration of all fortunes.
There are three fortunes:
- Soul Burn: Evelyn divines a fortune of death on the target enemy. The fortune remains for a few seconds, and all the damage they receive while the fortune is active is recorded. When the fortune ends, the target takes instant spirit damage based on the recorded damage.
- Reaper's Favor: Evelyn grants the target ally a greater chance of life. They have increased movement speed and a chance of ignoring damage from bullets (or just increased bullet or spirit resistance since evasion would prob not work in this game very well)
- Death's Embrace: Evelyn imparts the grasp of death on the target enemy. They are slowed for a few seconds and take spirit damage over time, and debuffs last slightly longer on them.
Ability 3: Astral Resonance - Evelyn's attacks passively deal additional spirit damage. Each time she casts a spell or uses an item, she gains a stacking spirit damage amplification. She can cast this ability to transfer her stacks to a target ally, but she cannot gain stacks again for a short time. T1 reduces cooldown of active, T2 increases spirit amp per stack, T3 passively gives her additional cooldown reduction.
Ability 4: Foresight - Evelyn was actually predicting the future this whole time, and was not where you thought she was. When cast, Evelyn reappears at her position a few seconds ago with the same health she had at that time, and all her cooldowns are reduced slightly. T1 gives increased movement speed after casting, T2 reduces cooldown, T3 changes to target ability, left click to cast ability on ally, middle mouse to cast on self.