Hero specific items from nathanieljbrill. I wrote this idea on that thread(you can see how it will look in there), but i think it needs a separete thread.
So basically, add a new Blue item tab, heroes only have 2(maybe even 1) slots for these items, and they CAN`t be put in flex slots. These items are hero specific, which means you will see only the items for your character. They affect your hero in more excotic and fun ways than just regular stat increases, stuff like making your gun shoot more projectiles, giving new alt fire posibilities and adding special effects to your abilities. Here are some examples:
Just imagine the rest of the items are blue, i am too lazy to manually edit each of them


You lose the tesla bullets effect when upgrading as a tradeoff for focused beam.
Spiled Hook travels 10m after hitting the first target(if the range allows it, so it doesn`t extend the hook to 70m if you hit the target at 60m of the normal hook), taking them with itself(deals damage while flying BOTH ways) during these 10m you can hit a second targetm or a wall, which makes the hook immediately reel back.
On point blank range the hook deals 200 damage(10m flying from Bebop and 10m flying back), not counting the normal hook damage. This item rewards long ranged hooks, and allows to fish out 2 enemies standing in tight corridors

Alternative names for Hunters Hearing:"Perfect Hunter", "Owl Senses"
I am interested to know what people think of items like these.
Thanks to Tryneus for makind the editor
So basically, add a new Blue item tab, heroes only have 2(maybe even 1) slots for these items, and they CAN`t be put in flex slots. These items are hero specific, which means you will see only the items for your character. They affect your hero in more excotic and fun ways than just regular stat increases, stuff like making your gun shoot more projectiles, giving new alt fire posibilities and adding special effects to your abilities. Here are some examples:
Just imagine the rest of the items are blue, i am too lazy to manually edit each of them



You lose the tesla bullets effect when upgrading as a tradeoff for focused beam.
Spiled Hook travels 10m after hitting the first target(if the range allows it, so it doesn`t extend the hook to 70m if you hit the target at 60m of the normal hook), taking them with itself(deals damage while flying BOTH ways) during these 10m you can hit a second targetm or a wall, which makes the hook immediately reel back.
On point blank range the hook deals 200 damage(10m flying from Bebop and 10m flying back), not counting the normal hook damage. This item rewards long ranged hooks, and allows to fish out 2 enemies standing in tight corridors

Alternative names for Hunters Hearing:"Perfect Hunter", "Owl Senses"
I am interested to know what people think of items like these.
Thanks to Tryneus for makind the editor