Blue Items - Hero specific items/upgrades


Active member
Hero specific items from nathanieljbrill. I wrote this idea on that thread(you can see how it will look in there), but i think it needs a separete thread.
So basically, add a new Blue item tab, heroes only have 2(maybe even 1) slots for these items, and they CAN`t be put in flex slots. These items are hero specific, which means you will see only the items for your character. They affect your hero in more excotic and fun ways than just regular stat increases, stuff like making your gun shoot more projectiles, giving new alt fire posibilities and adding special effects to your abilities. Here are some examples:
Just imagine the rest of the items are blue, i am too lazy to manually edit each of them :)
You lose the tesla bullets effect when upgrading as a tradeoff for focused beam.
Spiled Hook travels 10m after hitting the first target(if the range allows it, so it doesn`t extend the hook to 70m if you hit the target at 60m of the normal hook), taking them with itself(deals damage while flying BOTH ways) during these 10m you can hit a second targetm or a wall, which makes the hook immediately reel back.
On point blank range the hook deals 200 damage(10m flying from Bebop and 10m flying back), not counting the normal hook damage. This item rewards long ranged hooks, and allows to fish out 2 enemies standing in tight corridors


Alternative names for Hunters Hearing:"Perfect Hunter", "Owl Senses"
I am interested to know what people think of items like these.
Thanks to
Tryneus for makind the editor
On top! It would be cool to see variety in games and with such items it will be much more interesting to play and also there will be a reason to sometimes look at the purchasing of opponents
Some ideas for Vindicta`s Items:
Also i had an idea of making the second Boost slot locked, like flex slots, the devs then can add another objective to the game, like dota 2 tormentors and name them something like Pylons. You could destroy only your Pylon, unlike tormentors from dota. They will have the tormentors mechanic of retaliating with damage.
This will add another objective, that your team needs to take together, and an oportunity for the enemies to catch you, while you are destroying your pylon, and are low HP.
So i have seen suggestion of making a secret shop(like in dota) pop a lot in this forum a lot, and i think this idea works perfectly with Blue items category. Make 2 shops (between the outer and inner lanes for) for each team that are the only places where blue items can be bought and sold. This will force you to go there if you want to for example replace you 500 Boost item with a higher cost one. These shops could be with underground tunnels(like that one big creep camp) so that going in them will be risky, since the enemy can ambush you. And it will allow 500 boost items to be a bit more powerfull in their effects since you now have to leave your lane for some time to get them(Which is free farm for your opponent)
So i have seen suggestion of making a secret shop(like in dota) pop a lot in this forum a lot, and i think this idea works perfectly with Blue items category. Make 2 shops (between the outer and inner lanes for) for each team that are the only places where blue items can be bought and sold. This will force you to go there if you want to for example replace you 500 Boost item with a higher cost one. These shops could be with underground tunnels(like that one big creep camp) so that going in them will be risky, since the enemy can ambush you. And it will allow 500 boost items to be a bit more powerfull in their effects since you now have to leave your lane for some time to get them(Which is free farm for your opponent)
I agree a secret shop would be perfect for these items. I disagree that there should be one for each team, or two for each team. I think, as another commenter suggested, there should be only one. It should appear randomly at different, fair points. It would make getting these different builds more special and create something else to fight over.
I agree a secret shop would be perfect for these items. I disagree that there should be one for each team, or two for each team. I think, as another commenter suggested, there should be only one. It should appear randomly at different, fair points. It would make getting these different builds more special and create something else to fight over.
If it will be just one, i think it needs a mechanic like the urn drop site. It should have like 3 possible places(1 neutral and 2 favoring teams) and it will swap every 5 minutes or so. So when your team is loosing on networth a lot, the shop will be opened at your side of the map. It will be like another way to comeback.
Neutral placement could be up here. There is a lot of empty space at the top of the mid(i am talking about adding another floor), you could make it hollow and add a pasegaway:
And favoring teams place will be here(inside the building, tunnel from where this strange skeleton is). This place is partially protected by the walker, since it can shoot at enemies standing here:20250129162023_1.jpg
Mo and krill ones are bad and good at the same time, he needs more of those.
This is what I made about when I made the ability specific items post

Crude words
Costs 500
Scorn applies Debuff Resist +10%.
Scorn range +1m.

March of the Moles
Cost 1250
Ability range +8%
+1 sprint speed
Move speed +50% for 3 seconds after surfacing. Duration scales with distance moved from your surface position while spinning, +0.1s per meter.

Clods of Dirt
Costs 3000
Weapon damage +15%
Melee damage +10%
Bullet shield +150
Sand Blast procs heavy melee effects and deals +80 damage.

Costs 1250
+1 movement speed
+1 stamina and +15% stamina regeneration while combo is off cooldown.
What do you guys think about something like this? Heroes having unique upgrades for items already in the game.
Hell-Fire Collosal-1741513968.png
The Primary fire becomes something like Mo&Krill, but with infernus gun stats(damage of each bullets needs to be reduced)
This is probably way too much text and just plain overcomplicated, but some simpler items having upgrades to fit better with a certain heroes feels fun. Also i feel like having normal stats for some of the blue items might be good, if they are upgraded from normal items.