Bird Dog - summon illusions / mind control


New member
Bird Dog
name inspired by funny old slang for someone who tries to steal your girlfriend

This guy has all the gadgets from the mail in magazines

Weapon: 1h Revolver looking gun, small clip

Illusion (2 charges)- Create an illusion of Bird dog that copys/mirrors his movement, doing low damage per hit and recieving high damge.
2) Soul Shot - after a brief charge up, release a shot that deals bonus damage and if it hits an enemy hero, steals some souls (reasonable amount/cooldown)
3) Enhanced Hearing Machine - aim your beam, can detect enemies in a cone in front of you, drawing outlines of them for a few seconds. reduces spirit resist if enemy is not behind a wall
4) Mind Control - Bird dog stands still channeling a mind ray, controlling an enemy hero as long as the duration. Can't use enemy ultimates, interupted if bird dog stunned