New member
This is my first time doing one of these, so I hope you guys enjoy it. 
"If you meet with a saint, you should kill him."
“Does that mean that you agree with those demons? “
“You should also kill a demon if you meet one. Saints, demons, they are all the same for me.”
Background Lore:
When the mystic world started to leak into the public conscience at large, Japan was just starting to enter a new era, this was the dawn of the Meiji era. Much can be said about all the changes that Japan saw during this period of time, yet one of the most curious ones was the push for the research and control of the mystic, the emperor, now the maximum authority, saw that the coming of the mystic was no coincidence, that the mystic world came at this period for him to use it, so he believed that the key to Japan’s prosperity was the supernatural. For this reason he created the Ministry of Divinities (神祇省), an organization whose aim was to not only research the old and rich legacy of magic and the supernatural folklore in Japan, but to find ways to use those findings to make Japan prosper. This push for the mystic also had an effect on the general public, the mix between western influences, a new more expanded worldview and the supernatural, made the Japanese society experience what it was called the “Five Star Boom” (セーマンブーム). Sadly, the quick advancements that the Ministry of Divinities brought to Japan were not entirely used for peace, not long after seeing the first results, the army was already gearing a campaign to annex other territories, and in no less than 40 years, mysticism turned into another weapon for the Japanese Empire. This also had a profound impact on the Japanese society, some were in favour of a big and militarise Japan, while others saw that peace was the best option for the country, this friction between these two ways of seeing the world, and these two ways of seeing how people should use the supernatural, gave bird to a period known as “Oni to Hotoke” (鬼と仏), the demons and the saints, named after the these two points of views.
Lore Page:
Akki, whose real name is 加藤末広 (Suehiro Kato, western name order), is a mysterious figure inside the Ministry of Divinities, he holds the rank of “Second Class Mystic”, which is the third most important rank inside the ministry, yet no one on the ministry can point out at anything relevant he has done for the ministry in the 10 years he has been working for it, only rumours. Some say he is a genius in the art of onmyodo, feng shui and shikigami, others say that he is the son of some big shot, countless agents have tried to talk with him about what it is that makes him special, yet no one has managed to get anything from him, they only got only weird rambling about the current political situation in the country, the world, or any other occurrence, as if the man was not even aware of what kind of rank he holds within the ministry. And it is not like he is playing the fool, there is a certain honesty to Akki, he never holds anything back, and he always shares his opinions, even the ones that relate to certain taboo topics within our world. Honestly, I don’t know if that guy is a fool or the smartest man in this institution. But well, I got assigned with him to this New York city, in the Americas, I wonder why the ministry is so interested in having people there all of a sudden, I know we are all agents of the mystic world, some even call us demons just because we work here, but I feel that at times it is harder to understand the heads of the ministry that it is to understand a thousand year old manuscript.
From an extract found inside a diary of a dead Japanese immigrant.
Personality Description:
Despite being sort of shrouded in mystery, Akki is quite direct and honest, even if it makes people around him uncomfortable. He enjoys the thrill of combat quite a lot, and when experiencing it you can see his whole body burning up with passion. But despite this, he does not seek violence for the sake of violence, in fact, he hates needles violence, not because deep down he is a pacifist, he hates needless violence because for him there is no thrill in the violence that emerges out of the heat of the moment. This goes for killing as well, Akki hates when people kill for no reason, he regards this as the most vile of sins, yet he will applaud anyone that kills for “a reason”. He applies these rules to himself, he won’t hit anyone, nor kill anyone, unless he feels like doing will help him make a favorable scenario, that means, a scenario were he can either fight someone to the death, or he can see two or more people fighting for their life. We could say that what Akki really enjoys is not violence, nor a good combat, what Akki enjoys is the struggle, when two or more individuals fight, giving their all, it does not matter if he is part of it or not, for him just seeing is enough. For this reason he decided to enter the Ministry of Divinities, as an excuse to gain power and be given the chance to some day be dispatched in some war to finally see the ultimate struggle, sadly for him that opportunity has not come, yet. So Akki keeps improving his magic and skills, until the day he can finally see the ultimate struggle, until that day comes, he will continue to use his own techniques to create little struggles here and there. We could describe Akki as an addict to extreme human emotions, a crooked humanist that sees human struggle as the ultimate sign of love.
Inspirations and character design:
My main inspiration is the whole archetype of the “modern onmyoji”, that became famous thanks to a Japanese novel series called “Teito Monogatari”. Of course because my inspiration for the character came from there, the character design also comes from it, especially some of the covers. I really like that approach to the design because it condenses in one slick design a lot of information, and it looks pretty cool. Also, I feel that not many western games have done this kind of design, it might be sort of popular in Japan, but not so much in the west, I think.

Drawings by Yoshitaka Amano and Suehiro Maruo.
Yamato already fills the role of a Japanese Swordsman, this is why Akki is less of an assassin type character, and more of a control type character, using his magic to control certain areas of the map, and deal damage to multiple enemies.
Skill 1 - Inugami (黒不思議の地獄の犬神)
Summons an evil dog spirit on a straight line, the closer the dog is to the ground, the faster it moves, if the dog hits a wall it will bounce, once it bounce, the dog will disappear after some seconds. If the dog hits an enemy creep and it kills it, it will make the creep explode, dealing damage all around, the bigger the creep the stronger the explosion, also works on turrets, guardians and walkers. If the dog hits an enemy hero, it will deal damage and slow the opponent, the enemy does not need to be killed for the dog to explode around the enemy hero.
Skill 2 – Taiji Barrier (白黒の神威太極結界)
Akki must select two points on the ground or two walls to set up two talismans (ofuda), these ofudas create a barrier for a period of time, any ally bullet or skill that passes trough it, will deal additional damage, and any enemy bullets or skills that do, will deal halved damaged. Another side effect of this barrier is that it obscures the vision and map of the enemy time, much like a smoke granade (this also affects the map, meaning that enemies can not use the map to try to guess where the enemies are, if they want to deal with the barrier, they can either use their hearing to guess the position of the enemy, or pass through the barrier). Passing through the barrier slows the enemy, but it does not deal damage.
Skill 3 - Parade of the Centipedes (蠱道の百足夜行)
Akki surrounds himself with centipedes, these centipedes deal damage and poison opponents. As the surrounding area gets smaller, the effects of the damage and poison get stronger.
Skill 4 – The Ten Sacred Treasures (一ニ三四五六七八九十, 布留部, 由良由良都 布留部, 沖津鏡, 辺津鏡, 八握剣, 生玉, 足玉, 死返玉, 道返玉, 蛇比礼, 蜂比礼, 品々物之比礼)
Akki starts chanting, creating a sacred area around him. (while he chants he can move and dash, but he can’t attack or jump) Allies caught in this area get a bonus to the damage they deal, speed, and a lifesteal effect. Enemies caught in this effect become slower, deal less damage and get a debuff to all healing they receive. The more allies and enemies are in the area, the bigger the area becomes.
Main weapons:
Akki would use a gun, any of the standard military Japanese pistols could do the work, either a Type 14 pistol or a Type 26 revolver.

Other cool details:
When I picture akki using his skills, I picture him doing mudras (hand movements, like in Naruto) with his hands, that is pretty typical of this archetype. Ah, and of course, the weird Japanese chanting is a must.
Akki has a comical side to him, for one his honesty makes him pretty straight when talking about the defects of other characters, of course, he is no aware of his own, not out of ego, just out of him not realizing. Another funny aspect to him, is that you can trick him to do almost anything if you tell him it is a ritual, that way to can make him do embarrassing stuff.

"If you meet with a saint, you should kill him."
“Does that mean that you agree with those demons? “
“You should also kill a demon if you meet one. Saints, demons, they are all the same for me.”
Background Lore:
When the mystic world started to leak into the public conscience at large, Japan was just starting to enter a new era, this was the dawn of the Meiji era. Much can be said about all the changes that Japan saw during this period of time, yet one of the most curious ones was the push for the research and control of the mystic, the emperor, now the maximum authority, saw that the coming of the mystic was no coincidence, that the mystic world came at this period for him to use it, so he believed that the key to Japan’s prosperity was the supernatural. For this reason he created the Ministry of Divinities (神祇省), an organization whose aim was to not only research the old and rich legacy of magic and the supernatural folklore in Japan, but to find ways to use those findings to make Japan prosper. This push for the mystic also had an effect on the general public, the mix between western influences, a new more expanded worldview and the supernatural, made the Japanese society experience what it was called the “Five Star Boom” (セーマンブーム). Sadly, the quick advancements that the Ministry of Divinities brought to Japan were not entirely used for peace, not long after seeing the first results, the army was already gearing a campaign to annex other territories, and in no less than 40 years, mysticism turned into another weapon for the Japanese Empire. This also had a profound impact on the Japanese society, some were in favour of a big and militarise Japan, while others saw that peace was the best option for the country, this friction between these two ways of seeing the world, and these two ways of seeing how people should use the supernatural, gave bird to a period known as “Oni to Hotoke” (鬼と仏), the demons and the saints, named after the these two points of views.
Lore Page:
Akki, whose real name is 加藤末広 (Suehiro Kato, western name order), is a mysterious figure inside the Ministry of Divinities, he holds the rank of “Second Class Mystic”, which is the third most important rank inside the ministry, yet no one on the ministry can point out at anything relevant he has done for the ministry in the 10 years he has been working for it, only rumours. Some say he is a genius in the art of onmyodo, feng shui and shikigami, others say that he is the son of some big shot, countless agents have tried to talk with him about what it is that makes him special, yet no one has managed to get anything from him, they only got only weird rambling about the current political situation in the country, the world, or any other occurrence, as if the man was not even aware of what kind of rank he holds within the ministry. And it is not like he is playing the fool, there is a certain honesty to Akki, he never holds anything back, and he always shares his opinions, even the ones that relate to certain taboo topics within our world. Honestly, I don’t know if that guy is a fool or the smartest man in this institution. But well, I got assigned with him to this New York city, in the Americas, I wonder why the ministry is so interested in having people there all of a sudden, I know we are all agents of the mystic world, some even call us demons just because we work here, but I feel that at times it is harder to understand the heads of the ministry that it is to understand a thousand year old manuscript.
From an extract found inside a diary of a dead Japanese immigrant.
Personality Description:
Despite being sort of shrouded in mystery, Akki is quite direct and honest, even if it makes people around him uncomfortable. He enjoys the thrill of combat quite a lot, and when experiencing it you can see his whole body burning up with passion. But despite this, he does not seek violence for the sake of violence, in fact, he hates needles violence, not because deep down he is a pacifist, he hates needless violence because for him there is no thrill in the violence that emerges out of the heat of the moment. This goes for killing as well, Akki hates when people kill for no reason, he regards this as the most vile of sins, yet he will applaud anyone that kills for “a reason”. He applies these rules to himself, he won’t hit anyone, nor kill anyone, unless he feels like doing will help him make a favorable scenario, that means, a scenario were he can either fight someone to the death, or he can see two or more people fighting for their life. We could say that what Akki really enjoys is not violence, nor a good combat, what Akki enjoys is the struggle, when two or more individuals fight, giving their all, it does not matter if he is part of it or not, for him just seeing is enough. For this reason he decided to enter the Ministry of Divinities, as an excuse to gain power and be given the chance to some day be dispatched in some war to finally see the ultimate struggle, sadly for him that opportunity has not come, yet. So Akki keeps improving his magic and skills, until the day he can finally see the ultimate struggle, until that day comes, he will continue to use his own techniques to create little struggles here and there. We could describe Akki as an addict to extreme human emotions, a crooked humanist that sees human struggle as the ultimate sign of love.
Inspirations and character design:
My main inspiration is the whole archetype of the “modern onmyoji”, that became famous thanks to a Japanese novel series called “Teito Monogatari”. Of course because my inspiration for the character came from there, the character design also comes from it, especially some of the covers. I really like that approach to the design because it condenses in one slick design a lot of information, and it looks pretty cool. Also, I feel that not many western games have done this kind of design, it might be sort of popular in Japan, but not so much in the west, I think.

Drawings by Yoshitaka Amano and Suehiro Maruo.
Yamato already fills the role of a Japanese Swordsman, this is why Akki is less of an assassin type character, and more of a control type character, using his magic to control certain areas of the map, and deal damage to multiple enemies.
Skill 1 - Inugami (黒不思議の地獄の犬神)
Summons an evil dog spirit on a straight line, the closer the dog is to the ground, the faster it moves, if the dog hits a wall it will bounce, once it bounce, the dog will disappear after some seconds. If the dog hits an enemy creep and it kills it, it will make the creep explode, dealing damage all around, the bigger the creep the stronger the explosion, also works on turrets, guardians and walkers. If the dog hits an enemy hero, it will deal damage and slow the opponent, the enemy does not need to be killed for the dog to explode around the enemy hero.
Skill 2 – Taiji Barrier (白黒の神威太極結界)
Akki must select two points on the ground or two walls to set up two talismans (ofuda), these ofudas create a barrier for a period of time, any ally bullet or skill that passes trough it, will deal additional damage, and any enemy bullets or skills that do, will deal halved damaged. Another side effect of this barrier is that it obscures the vision and map of the enemy time, much like a smoke granade (this also affects the map, meaning that enemies can not use the map to try to guess where the enemies are, if they want to deal with the barrier, they can either use their hearing to guess the position of the enemy, or pass through the barrier). Passing through the barrier slows the enemy, but it does not deal damage.
Skill 3 - Parade of the Centipedes (蠱道の百足夜行)
Akki surrounds himself with centipedes, these centipedes deal damage and poison opponents. As the surrounding area gets smaller, the effects of the damage and poison get stronger.
Skill 4 – The Ten Sacred Treasures (一ニ三四五六七八九十, 布留部, 由良由良都 布留部, 沖津鏡, 辺津鏡, 八握剣, 生玉, 足玉, 死返玉, 道返玉, 蛇比礼, 蜂比礼, 品々物之比礼)
Akki starts chanting, creating a sacred area around him. (while he chants he can move and dash, but he can’t attack or jump) Allies caught in this area get a bonus to the damage they deal, speed, and a lifesteal effect. Enemies caught in this effect become slower, deal less damage and get a debuff to all healing they receive. The more allies and enemies are in the area, the bigger the area becomes.
Main weapons:
Akki would use a gun, any of the standard military Japanese pistols could do the work, either a Type 14 pistol or a Type 26 revolver.

Other cool details:
When I picture akki using his skills, I picture him doing mudras (hand movements, like in Naruto) with his hands, that is pretty typical of this archetype. Ah, and of course, the weird Japanese chanting is a must.
Akki has a comical side to him, for one his honesty makes him pretty straight when talking about the defects of other characters, of course, he is no aware of his own, not out of ego, just out of him not realizing. Another funny aspect to him, is that you can trick him to do almost anything if you tell him it is a ritual, that way to can make him do embarrassing stuff.