Bebop's hitscan primary fire visual lazer trail is delayed compared to where the "bullets" actually land


New member
as the only true hitscan character, the visual turning delay of bebops primary lazer fire is confusing as it looks like a projectile whereas testing on bots shows that the fire is actually hitscan. you can have moments where the target is moving across your screen and the lazer is hitting them always but no damage, turns out the lazer is hitscan and you need to put the crosshair on the enemy, not the delayed lazer visual.

To recreate bug: go to practice range on a moving bot, use long range weapon upgrades to make the bug more noticable and try to exactly track the bot's head using the crosshair, then track the bot's head with the lazer beam as the "crosshair" instead. you'll find that only the shots with the crosshair land and that the lazer is merely a visual ghost bullet

p.s. please add more hitscan characters to game.