Bebop's gun able to still fire/ignore recharge delay when performing uppercut or mid-air dodge


New member
Bebop's gun is forced to recharge his gun when using his hook or ult, performing stamina based actions like rolling or sliding, and guarding against a melee attack. However, this recharge is completely bypassed when using uppercut or dodging midair, and sometimes allowing you to still fire the gun when performing these actions. It is inconsistent if the gun will actually shoot during the actions or not. during the bug, it will play the sound effect of firing the gun, regardless if it actually shoots or not.
Steps to reproduce:
1: use primary fire.
2: while still holding down primary fire, do either:
2a: use uppercut.
2b: perform a double jump, then dash in the air.
3: it will either keep firing when you perform these actions, or not bypass the charge time needed to fire the gun.

If the gun does keep firing during the actions, it will still be able to deal damage and drain ammo

The bug doesn't work at all if you shoot right as you activate the skill. it does still play the sound effect of the gun firing, but the recharge bypass/firing doesn't occur

Attached videos demonstrate the bug in action, the gun with the rest of his options, and that the gun will deal damage if it does still fire.


Seems fixed, but now I found this:
Seems fixed, but now I found this:
nope. still occuring. the ability to have the gun fire while performing uppercut is still bugged. as stated, its inconsistent, and it wont always be replicated. ive had better luck with it occuring when im actively moving around and doing the bug. attatched a video of me performing the firing bug while still performing uppercut that i just did.

your report is more of a continuation of this one, as the firing mode is more or less dependant on the order of which you use the gun and perform uppercut. the charge delay is completely bypassed when you are perfoming an uppercut and are still firing, which both hook and hyper beam normally send you on cooldown. when you fire during the animation, its gun firing changes depending on order of uppercut. firing after fully charging will still play the sfx but no ammo or beam is shot (except in the rare chance that it actually does still fire), after the animation plays, the gun will skip its charge time and immediately fire. charging primary fire and using uppercut before it finishes halts the charge and still plays the sfx as if you are actually still firing the gun, after the animation plays it resumes charging the gun like normal. firing after using uppercut will have it charge during the animation, and actually shoot while the animation is still going on.

whats probably happening is that uppercut doesnt have a measure to stop actions or has its measure not working properly, unlike its other abilities. during uppercut, you can also melee and perform a heavy melee attacks during the uppercut, but charging melee before uppercut locks you out of uppercut until it finishes.

tldr: order of which you actually fire your gun, and use uppercut changes how exactly the gun works. fully pre-firing will completely bypass charging needed during uppercut and can rarely actually keep firing, all the while still playing the sfx but not consuming ammo. firing just before using uppercut when its still charging halts the charge until completion, still plays sfx, and resumes normal functionality after uppercut finishes. firing after using uppercut lets you charge the gun and fire while the animation is still playing out.

