Bebop sticky bomb attach sound plays when you miss


Active member
When trying to attach sticky bombs the sound can sometimes play while spamming the key trying to tag a fleeing player. This can be quite disorienting at times as you think you've attached the bomb when you haven't and when you have echo shard its even more confusing as you may think youve attached the second bomb. Im sure this is something to do with the way the server communicates to the client or something but if this was fixable itd bring a lot more polish to the ability
seconding that this makes the ability worse, there's not a lot of feedback for it connecting besides the sound so it needs to be reliable
Played bebop for the first time yesterday and this was a huge problem for me, it happened many many times, and caused me to lose many fights,
you get the sound of the bomb sticking, with one beep, then it disappears, and its already not on cooldown,