Bebop hook does not hook allies when self-cast mode is on Double Tap


New member
At this point we need separate functions for self-cast and alt-cast. It already caused issues with Quantum Entanglement and now the abilities without extra targeting are getting bunched into "self-cast" modifiers.
Yeah I was testing this in the range when I was finalizing a new build for him and noticed new text about the team mate cast, but after hooking one team mate, I can no longer hook them after pressing the "Self cast/team mate mode" afterwards. I do not believe the issue is specifically double tap as I can not get it to work with any option so far
Yeah I was testing this in the range when I was finalizing a new build for him and noticed new text about the team mate cast, but after hooking one team mate, I can no longer hook them after pressing the "Self cast/team mate mode" afterwards. I do not believe the issue is specifically double tap as I can not get it to work with any option so far
you can use a modifier key to alt cast but it's the only workaround I know of right now.
Came here to mention this as well. Using a controller so I have it set to double press to self-cast. So right now I can't grab allies at all using Bebop.