Bebop Disarm = bad

Bustling Bungus

New member
Bebops bomb already has high potential for extreme damage with its infinite scaling. It should not have the extra lethality of disarming you for the entire duration you have the bomb on you. Not to mention Bebop can get an everstone to double that scaling/damage or even prolong the disarm! There is not much counter potential to this playstyle besides invulnerability. I propose we remove the disarm or have it last only half the bomb counter, make the everstone reduce the damage of refreshed abilities by some percentage (ex. 30-40%) this would make it less useful for damage, but more useful for support/cc type abilities. Being unable to fight back the entire duration that basically you have left to live does NOT feel good.
Also ethereal shift or unstoppable and few hero skills too.

Given that you have to be basically melee range to get bombed it's perfectly fine ability.