Bebob's 4th ability (hyper beam) new aoe effect is blocked by line of sight. Vegetation blocks damage, but not visuals.


New member

Enemies can stand in the aoe damage's circle vfx, but not receive damage due to bebob not having line of sight. (both the aoe on bebob it self and the hit location of the laser.) I believe this is unintentional due to the wording of the patch notes: - Bebop: Hyper Beam now does splash damage around a 5m area the beam connects to on the ground (can be used to fish heroes out of cover in some areas)

Additionally, the visuals and the hit detection can be different. when shooting through vegetation, the laser visuals will appear to pierce it, but will deal no damage.

Video contains both issues:

Thank you.
This is interesting but I wonder if its a mechanical or a visual bug. Other AoE ults like sevens do not deal damage if there isn't line of sight but has the proper visuals to show you aren't dealing/taking damage.

I would almost assume that's the same intent for this ult but if it is they should update the visual to show it doesn't go around cover. Not sure about how vegetation is supposed to be handled but if it isn't supposed to count towards breaking line of site then they should add a tag to vegetation object to exclude them from whatever line of sight calculations are being used.
This is interesting but I wonder if its a mechanical or a visual bug. Other AoE ults like sevens do not deal damage if there isn't line of sight but has the proper visuals to show you aren't dealing/taking damage.

I would almost assume that's the same intent for this ult but if it is they should update the visual to show it doesn't go around cover. Not sure about how vegetation is supposed to be handled but if it isn't supposed to count towards breaking line of site then they should add a tag to vegetation object to exclude them from whatever line of sight calculations are being used.
As a game dev, this is what I expect causing issues:

Since a lot of abilities got updated to only work with line of sight, I assume that they made a general line of sight function that gets applied when an ability has line of sight tag. In this case it would break the aoe due to the ability having the tag.

I haven't worked with source 2, but most other game engines use collision object tags with profiles to check what things should ignore, overlap or block collisions and queries. If source 2 is similar to those other engines, it would just need the damage trace to be updated to make sure the collision profile/settings are similar to the vfx or vice versa.
Yeah I'd be curious to see how they handled the VFX of seven ult cause I assume something similar could be applied to the splash radius indicator circle.

Trees in particular are also interesting when it comes to line of sight/collision cause I think a bush could reasonably be expected to have no player collision and probably no line of sight blocking as well. A tree however is a bit different as one would expect the trunk to have player collision/block line of sight but one could see a world where it is possible to have no player collision and no line of sight. If that's the case do you just give trees two different hitboxes with different property tags?

Hopefully we will get some clarification as to how Valve intends for Line of Sight to function, including what breaks line of sight and what doesn't when it comes to an ability. If there is a window or foliage being some of the less clear situations in this case.
Yeah I'd be curious to see how they handled the VFX of seven ult cause I assume something similar could be applied to the splash radius indicator circle.

Trees in particular are also interesting when it comes to line of sight/collision cause I think a bush could reasonably be expected to have no player collision and probably no line of sight blocking as well. A tree however is a bit different as one would expect the trunk to have player collision/block line of sight but one could see a world where it is possible to have no player collision and no line of sight. If that's the case do you just give trees two different hitboxes with different property tags?

Hopefully we will get some clarification as to how Valve intends for Line of Sight to function, including what breaks line of sight and what doesn't when it comes to an ability. If there is a window or foliage being some of the less clear situations in this case.

New meta! Trees make you invincible to line of sight abilities! Most bullets go trough vegetation/leaves, but not bebobs weapon damage laser for example. (if bebob misses his hook, you can hide in trees and he won't be able to hit you!)

I'll make a new post since it looks like a bigger issue than bebob's hyper beam.
This is interesting but I wonder if its a mechanical or a visual bug. Other AoE ults like sevens do not deal damage if there isn't line of sight but has the proper visuals to show you aren't dealing/taking damage.

I would almost assume that's the same intent for this ult but if it is they should update the visual to show it doesn't go around cover
The patch notes explicitly says "(can be used to fish heroes out of cover in some areas)" - you can't really fish people with this as it is. Seems supremely unlikely this is intended IMO