Azik's Copper Whistle. ( Summon Skeletons Troops )

Active Tier 3 Spirit Item.

Once activated, It will summon 4 skeletons troops with the same composition of the usual creeps.
(1 healer range, 1 range, 2 melee)

This Troops cannot be control and will usually follow the lane path same as the usual creeps.

75 Seconds base cooldown.
75-90 souls gain when killed.

tl:dr Summon a creep wave with better stats with skeletons skins.

Bonus Stats Points.

+ 10 Spirit
+ 100 HP
+ 2ms Sprint Speed.

Edit: new stats
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I feel like they'd die fast, and if they give souls it might just be giving a free gift to the enemy
I feel like they'd die fast, and if they give souls it might just be giving a free gift to the enemy
It outweighs that they are 1.5x stronger than usual creeps. and their capability to push faster with low key element.

Players has to time it right to summon them + the long cooldown lets say 75 seconds
I guess if we're basically just making a Necronomicon, what if its an active. You click the active and then click on the map where you want them to go. Click on an objective to have them defend it, click an enemy objective to have them work towards it, self-cast to have them autofollow you, click an enemy to have them focus on them. Double clicking has them prioritize walking down the closest lane, auto-attacking any enemy along the way.
I guess if we're basically just making a Necronomicon, what if its an active. You click the active and then click on the map where you want them to go. Click on an objective to have them defend it, click an enemy objective to have them work towards it, self-cast to have them autofollow you, click an enemy to have them focus on them. Double clicking has them prioritize walking down the closest lane, auto-attacking any enemy along the way.
Sounds about right, but that's too much button pressing and features.
Yeah sounds like a good idea to just be able to summon them and they run to the closest lane. Similar to popping manta style in dota and sending your illusions down a lane. If they could secure CS (not the orb as well, but you'd still get the orb souls assuming no one denied it) then I could see it being useful. I think tier 3 is too high, definitely more of a tier 2 item for 1200. 3000 souls is a lot for an item that will basically be useless in a team fight and only useful to help push abandoned lanes while you go somewhere else. Definitely like the thought of being able to just quickly toss something in a lane to push it out while I reconnect to my team.