Audio Distortion Bug - Intermittent Glitchy/Static Sound often accompanied by FPS drop


New member
  • Occasionally the game audio will distort into what I can only describe as a glitchy/static jumbled mess of sounds
  • This usually lasts for a few seconds before returning to normal
  • Often accompanied by an FPS drop
  • Seems to only happen in the mid-late game
  • I first noticed it about a week ago. When I first noticed it, it was occuring maybe once every few games
  • 2-3 days ago it started to get much more frequent, to the point where it's now occurring once every 1-2 minutes in the mid-late game, in every single game
  • When it occurs, it's not only game audio from Deadlock that's effected, it effects all audio output including Discord voice chat
I just played a game (Match ID 9084526) that was 23:27 and it occurred 6 times, at or around the following time stamps:
  • 17:40
  • 19:55
  • 20:53
  • 22:00
  • 22:43
  • 23:25