27133698 id
From around 33 minutes I noticed this, definitely started before they dropped final midboss to half health. Was talking in discord so don't have an exact time i'm afraid.
Can only hear death sounds, my ability sounds/item procs, my gunshots fade in and out. Certainly can't hear any noise from any other hero/creep, be it my team or opponent. Can't recall hearing announcer either.
Playing Lady G, actives are warp stone and debuff remover.
From around 33 minutes I noticed this, definitely started before they dropped final midboss to half health. Was talking in discord so don't have an exact time i'm afraid.
Can only hear death sounds, my ability sounds/item procs, my gunshots fade in and out. Certainly can't hear any noise from any other hero/creep, be it my team or opponent. Can't recall hearing announcer either.
Playing Lady G, actives are warp stone and debuff remover.