Asher - Fireman character


New member
Primary Weapon:
A water hose that shoots water as a normal basic attack for last hitting and killing creeps and the right click of the hero would shoot a blast of water that can displace creeps and enemy heroes.

Ability 1: Blazing Axe (Basic Ability)
Asher unleashes a burst of flame from his fire axe dealing damage to enemies in a small cone in front of him.

Effect: Deals moderate fire damage and applies a burning status effect that continues to deal damage over time for a few seconds.

Ability 2: Heat Shield (Defensive Ability)
Asher deploys a heat-resistant shield in front of him blocking incoming projectiles and reducing damage from area of effect attacks.

Effect: Provides a temporary shield that absorbs damage and reduces damage taken by allies within its radius by a percentage.

Ability 3: Fireman's Ladder (Mobility Ability)
Asher throws a retractable ladder to a targeted location allowing him and his allies to climb up to higher ground quickly.

Effect: Creates a ladder that can be climbed by Asher and his teammates, giving them an elevated position to gain tactical advantage.

Ability 4: Tidal Wave (Ultimate Ability)
Asher channels a big wave that can carry team mates swiftly towards the enemies while any enemy players that are caught in its path are knocked up and slowed.
I don't think the tidal wave is on theme. A fire hose, yes. That could actually be really good, doing damage and knocking players back.