Arena game mode?


New member
Idk where else to put this since there's I don't see a general suggestions area.

I think it would be cool to have an arena mode focused on team fighting. It could be the middle map area with some tweaks like a larger main pit area and some line of sight and Z-axis stuff.

With the mechanics and heros in this game, I wouldn't be surprised if that mode also got really popular since team fighting is one of the funnest parts of the main game mode anyway.
Think the idea is to not compete with TF2
TF2's competitive scene is kinda dead, isn't it? And it doesn't get updates often so that seems like a weird concern. I'd get it if they were actually tending closing to TF2 to foster it's growth.

It just seems like there are more chances that an extra game mode could be useful than detrimental:

If people don't like it, NBD, they just play the original game mode.
If people like it, they have something else to do to mix things up. It could also be shorter games so if you don't have a lot of time it would be something you could still do.

And then there's always the chance that it becomes way more popular than expected and many people love it. The biggest downside here is the division of people preferring one over the other, but if there was only 1 game mode and you grew tired of it, you probably would just slowly play less and less but having another game has the possibility to keep those players instead of lose them to other games.
it'd be really cool if it was like Battlerite, could be a 2v2 or 3v3 tops to allow for shorter queues since it would probably have less players than the main mode.
think this is an amazing idea and i'd love to see it in the game! honestly when i started disliking 5v5 league of legends what kept the game installed was the arena mode
think this is an amazing idea and i'd love to see it in the game! honestly when i started disliking 5v5 league of legends what kept the game installed was the arena mode
I didn't even know they added that in LoL. At least in deadlock farming creeps is more enjoyable because of aiming, punching, and the pace with dashing, sliding, double jumping, and the zip lines is much better.

But the funnest part by far are the team fights and isolated skirmishes, so having a way to do more of that would be awesome instead of having to wait 10-15 minutes of farming before doing any of that.
I didn't even know they added that in LoL. At least in deadlock farming creeps is more enjoyable because of aiming, punching, and the pace with dashing, sliding, double jumping, and the zip lines is much better.

But the funnest part by far are the team fights and isolated skirmishes, so having a way to do more of that would be awesome instead of having to wait 10-15 minutes of farming before doing any of that.
yeah i think the main gamemode is itself solid, i enjoy mobas so i love the laning phase and have learned to enjoy it.

sometimes though i am in the mood for something i can commit to less, maybe i dont wanna try as hard or think as much and i think a smaller scale 2v2 or 3v3 arena mode is what i would go to in that mood. just very good fun, and as a side note, the arena mode in league is way better designed than 5v5 in its current state imo
i hope this game would just expand to a point of custom modes, like tower defence etc
Same. It has so much potential for that. Hell I've played dota for so long and mods are what keeps me from getting bored from dota. Deadlock for sure is a game I'm gonna play for years and an arcade area like dota would be AMAZING. Hell imagine everybody playing viscous in a racing match while everybody is ulted and it kinda works like Mario kart where you grab one time use skills to use on other players, punch them, change positions, crash them while trying to stay first. Sounds REALLY FUN
Same. It has so much potential for that. Hell I've played dota for so long and mods are what keeps me from getting bored from dota. Deadlock for sure is a game I'm gonna play for years and an arcade area like dota would be AMAZING. Hell imagine everybody playing viscous in a racing match while everybody is ulted and it kinda works like Mario kart where you grab one time use skills to use on other players, punch them, change positions, crash them while trying to stay first. Sounds REALLY FUN
This idea is amazing! Could also see some sort of monkey ball minigame mode or something.

Also expanding on OP's main idea, having something similar to League's arena gamemode, with different arenas and multiple 2v2 or 3v3 comps on a 8 to 12 players lobby to play against each other. Special items and events randomized and unique to each match. Just got the game yesterday, can't agree more on teamfighting being the strongest and funniest bits!
You can use the command "map 1v1_test" which will load up a small 2 lane map (very incomplete) which is not exactly what you are talking about but it does seemed planned for smaller arenas. Personally I would love a 2v2 mode like wingman. A arena style mode similar to LoL arena mode would be cool where you buy in-between rounds and its small arenas focuses on pure team fights.
I get nervous around arena-style gameplay. WoW's PvP scene exploded around arenas, and it really disrupted the overall PvP landscape in a lot of positive and negative ways. It served as a great playing field for organized small-scale PvP, but really at the expense of the rest of the PvP gamemodes. It also directly moved game balance to support the arena playstyle as opposed to the large-scale PvP.

My main point being: if they do arenas, don't do it at the expense of the original game vision.