Anti-Burst Spirit Resist Item


New member
Arcane Shelter (T3 Spirit)
+200 Spirit Shield
+100 Bonus Health
+25% Shield Recovery Rate
When your spirit shields are depleted gain 60% spirit resist decaying over 3 seconds.
Active (15s CD)
Deplete your spirit shields and gain 24 spirit power for 6 seconds.

Notes: The active can only be used if you have spirit shield to deplete. If you're about to get hit by a single instance of burst with low spirit shield it allows you to access the resist immediately.
Shield cd is part of balance, you wouldnt want to shorten it, or we will have hybrid shield / resists builds. Not to mention your active doesnt have threshold so i can deplete 50 hp shield and get 24 spirit power, big value.
To be save from burst you have to dodge it, not to just tank through it, which will make certain characters irrelevant.
Shield cd is part of balance, you wouldnt want to shorten it, or we will have hybrid shield / resists builds. Not to mention your active doesnt have threshold so i can deplete 50 hp shield and get 24 spirit power, big value.
To be save from burst you have to dodge it, not to just tank through it, which will make certain characters irrelevant.
The active intentionally doesn't have a threshold, to allow for skill expression for players able to manually activate it while losing the least spirit shield possible while risking not getting the power at all if they wait too long.

This item gives you 60% decaying spirit resist for 3 seconds. If metal skin, which gives complete invulnerability to bullet damage and melee for 3.5 seconds doesn't make certain characters irrelevant I doubt this item will either.

Shield CD is just another variable, same as Slide Distance, Stamina Recovery Rate and Dash Speed/Distance. There are items that allow you to change all of these variables, no need to ignore them because they're "part of balance". Maybe you're right and increasing the shield recovery rate to this extent would create overpowered shield builds. I wouldn't know because I personally don't build many shield items. But I figured it was worth proposing regardless.
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The active intentionally doesn't have a threshold, to allow for skill expression for players able to manually activate it while losing the least spirit shield possible while risking not getting the power at all if they wait too long.

This item gives you 60% decaying spirit resist for 3 seconds. If metal skin, which gives complete invulnerability to bullet damage and melee for 3.5 seconds doesn't make certain characters irrelevant I doubt this item will either.

Shield CD is just another variable, same as Slide Distance, Stamina Recovery Rate and Dash Speed/Distance. There are items that allow you to change all of these variables, no need to ignore them because they're "part of balance". Maybe you're right and increasing the shield recovery rate to this extent would create overpowered shield builds. I wouldn't know because I personally don't build many shield items. But I figured it was worth proposing regardless.
the issue with this compared to metal skin is that metal skin requires a reflex, and only really invalidates haze (one of the only characters that is nearly 100% bullet damage), however this item would be a passive +60% spirit resist and spirit resist is MUCH more valuable than bullet resist regardless, characters on average are much more reliant on spirit damage than bullet damage, which is why metal skin is okay. this item also has many oversights, for example: the passive has no cooldown, this would be awful to fight against if the user also used divine barrier (very common item), and/or reactive barrier. There is a specific reason why spirit resist is harder to get than bullet, and why it doesnt have these huge +50%, +40%, +100% for 3 sec, ect buffs.

Ontop of this, extremely high resistances early game (the era of game where shield is even relevant) are overbearingly powerful, a passive on command no cooldown 60% spirit resist early game would be FAR too much, theres a reason they limit the Reactive Barrier's reflexive shields to 400B 200S.

Spirit Resist is hard to get because almost every character in the game deals a lot of spirit damage, so having a lot of spirit resist makes fights awful
Bullet Resist is easy to get because you can count on 1 hand the amount of abilities use bullet damage.
the issue with this compared to metal skin is that metal skin requires a reflex, and only really invalidates haze (one of the only characters that is nearly 100% bullet damage), however this item would be a passive +60% spirit resist and spirit resist is MUCH more valuable than bullet resist regardless, characters on average are much more reliant on spirit damage than bullet damage, which is why metal skin is okay. this item also has many oversights, for example: the passive has no cooldown, this would be awful to fight against if the user also used divine barrier (very common item), and/or reactive barrier. There is a specific reason why spirit resist is harder to get than bullet, and why it doesnt have these huge +50%, +40%, +100% for 3 sec, ect buffs.

Ontop of this, extremely high resistances early game (the era of game where shield is even relevant) are overbearingly powerful, a passive on command no cooldown 60% spirit resist early game would be FAR too much, theres a reason they limit the Reactive Barrier's reflexive shields to 400B 200S.

Spirit Resist is hard to get because almost every character in the game deals a lot of spirit damage, so having a lot of spirit resist makes fights awful
Bullet Resist is easy to get because you can count on 1 hand the amount of abilities use bullet damage.

Thanks for the feedback. I never even considered activatable shields, they would definitely abuse the passive's lack of cooldown. I see what you're saying about spirit damage being more commonly depended upon, though that may also be due to a lack of flexible spirit resist items below T4. When it comes to bullet resist you have return fire and warp stone, as well as escalating and titanic(though those are more specific). For spirit resist there aren't really options you can splash in any build because the item functions are more niche.

How about instead of a bonus to spirit resist, the passive instead sets your spirit resist to 30% for the duration. This would stop you from stacking the effect with other resist items (and actually lower your resist in certain situations), but would also negate spirit resist reduction for the duration. This in addition to the passive having a CD of course.
Spirit Resist is hard to get because almost every character in the game deals a lot of spirit damage, so having a lot of spirit resist makes fights awful
Bullet Resist is easy to get because you can count on 1 hand the amount of abilities use bullet damage.
Before the mirage patch, everyone use gun builds and don't rely on abilities for damage because there's too many spirit res items, that's the reason it was changed. Now, not everyone can go gun build.

On the item, I think it's an okay anti burst like Aeon Disc from Dota but maybe 3 seconds is too long, there's not many abilities that can lock you down more than 2 seconds. We have Frenzy right now so I don't know why this isn't ok, especially when there's so much less spirit res items now. Just give it a CD and maybe replace the HP bonus with spirit, this feels like it should be Vit item because it's pure def.
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Thanks for the feedback. I never even considered activatable shields, they would definitely abuse the passive's lack of cooldown. I see what you're saying about spirit damage being more commonly depended upon, though that may also be due to a lack of flexible spirit resist items below T4. When it comes to bullet resist you have return fire and warp stone, as well as escalating and titanic(though those are more specific). For spirit resist there aren't really options you can splash in any build because the item functions are more niche.

How about instead of a bonus to spirit resist, the passive instead sets your spirit resist to 30% for the duration. This would stop you from stacking the effect with other resist items (and actually lower your resist in certain situations), but would also negate spirit resist reduction for the duration. This in addition to the passive having a CD of course.
There is very little cases where you have above 30% spirit resist and get lowered beneath it, as there are not many spirit resist reductions
There is very little cases where you have above 30% spirit resist and get lowered beneath it, as there are not many spirit resist reductions
Yeah as I just now found out Escalating actually applies a stacking amp, not a stacking resist reduction. The more you know lol
Arcane Shelter (T3 Spirit)
+200 Spirit Shield
+100 Bonus Health
+25% Shield Recovery Rate
When your spirit shields are depleted gain 60% spirit resist decaying over 3 seconds.
Active (15s CD)
Deplete your spirit shields and gain 24 spirit power for 6 seconds.

Notes: The active can only be used if you have spirit shield to deplete. If you're about to get hit by a single instance of burst with low spirit shield it allows you to access the resist immediately.
It will make Geist's Ulti useless, too OP. Also Grey Talon is already countered by bunch of Spirit Armors and suffers from lack of Spirit Resist Debuffs.