New member
Is in places they shouldn't belong
Using their wild movement, Anomaly can safely get in and out of enemy territory and ruin their defenses, while not the strongest of their team, they can make things very difficult for the enemy team to catch up.
Anomaly came into being suddenly and is unaware of what, who, or when they are, they are a being that doesn't belong in this world but came to exist anyways, unsure of everything about themselves, they seek the patron to find out who they are are, or who they will be.
1 - Scatter Shot CD: 18s (Like viscous alt fire) Toss a white glob of Anomaly ahead, after a short moment, it blows up, causing a strong initial hit and causes a very brief AOE damage bubble where it exploded. Pressing the button again before it explodes will shoot Anomaly towards the the shot. (Maybe have charges?)
2 - Shift CD: 42s, 20m range (Like warp stone) Teleport straight forward where you are aiming, this ability is silent to other players, and will leave a copy of anomaly behind them, they will (be replaced by a bot) move and aim like Anomaly, but will not do any damage. This ability can be used to go through walls. If the shift would leave you inside a wall, it will place you to the nearest free space.
3 - Worldsense (needs a better name) (Passive) See an outline of enemies nearby through walls, the outline lingers for a short time while out of range. Taking any damage from an enemy will remove their outline, does not detect invisible enemies (Haze smoke, Veil Walker, Shadow Weave, Fathom passive)
4 - Final option (maybe rename) | CD: 180s(?) Blow yourself up and die. Respawn in 5 seconds, either within the explosion radius, or back in the shrine. Your death is temporary, and will not benefit the enemy team or count as a death on your scorecard, you will not lose any unsecured souls as well. - Could also be that everyone caught in the explosion has a temporary debuff/buff applied to them, and Anomaly can spawn ontop of anyone who has this debuff/buff.
Is in places they shouldn't belong
Using their wild movement, Anomaly can safely get in and out of enemy territory and ruin their defenses, while not the strongest of their team, they can make things very difficult for the enemy team to catch up.
Anomaly came into being suddenly and is unaware of what, who, or when they are, they are a being that doesn't belong in this world but came to exist anyways, unsure of everything about themselves, they seek the patron to find out who they are are, or who they will be.
1 - Scatter Shot CD: 18s (Like viscous alt fire) Toss a white glob of Anomaly ahead, after a short moment, it blows up, causing a strong initial hit and causes a very brief AOE damage bubble where it exploded. Pressing the button again before it explodes will shoot Anomaly towards the the shot. (Maybe have charges?)
2 - Shift CD: 42s, 20m range (Like warp stone) Teleport straight forward where you are aiming, this ability is silent to other players, and will leave a copy of anomaly behind them, they will (be replaced by a bot) move and aim like Anomaly, but will not do any damage. This ability can be used to go through walls. If the shift would leave you inside a wall, it will place you to the nearest free space.
3 - Worldsense (needs a better name) (Passive) See an outline of enemies nearby through walls, the outline lingers for a short time while out of range. Taking any damage from an enemy will remove their outline, does not detect invisible enemies (Haze smoke, Veil Walker, Shadow Weave, Fathom passive)
4 - Final option (maybe rename) | CD: 180s(?) Blow yourself up and die. Respawn in 5 seconds, either within the explosion radius, or back in the shrine. Your death is temporary, and will not benefit the enemy team or count as a death on your scorecard, you will not lose any unsecured souls as well. - Could also be that everyone caught in the explosion has a temporary debuff/buff applied to them, and Anomaly can spawn ontop of anyone who has this debuff/buff.