Android Butler: Sebastian Barnes


New member
Idea: A support-focused hero who focuses on helping his team with various buffs. An android butler that is programmed for general housekeeping capabilities, alongside some home defense tools as well.

Basic Attack: The tip of Sebastian's finger opens up and shoots out spheres of static electricity (could be 3-round burst, single fire, or automatic).

Ability 1: As You Wish
A spot opens on Sebastian's back for a beam that connects to a nearby ally, or yourself, to regain a portion of their health overtime (potentially some extra attack or movement speed buffs alongside this).

Ability 2: What's on the Menu?
Pull out a platter that has a random buff for you and anyone in a close vicinity (movement/attack speed, health regen, damage boost, etc.)

Ability 3: Quite a Mess
Sebastian pulls out his feather duster and coats the space in front of him in a cloud of dust, reducing vision for enemies and slowing their movement speed if they try to pass through it.

Ability 4: Intruder Alert
Sebastian's hands open up to unveil openings that charge up a giant ball of static electricity that passes through enemies, dealing damage and reversing their movement controls temporarily.