Alternate cast button inconsistent behaviour with Dynamo's Quantum Entanglement


New member
With most abilities (e.g. Healing Rite, Bebop's Sticky Bomb, Viscous' The Cube) set to non-quickcast mode, holding Alternate Cast Button and then pressing the corresponding key instantly activates the ability in alternate cast mode. For Dynamo's Quantum Entanglement, however, this combination opens a menu that requires another Fire input to activate the ability.
This is probably not a bug. The reason this happens is that Quantum Entanglement is not self cast when alternate cast, meaning you still need to aim it. The same is true for lady geists life drain.
Lady Geist's Life Drain alt-cast behaviour differs from Quantum Entanglement's though - when both are set to confirm cast, holding Alternate Cast Button while pressing appropriate skill hotkey enters a unique menu in case of Quantum Entanglement and the usual for Life Drain (Alternate Cast Button is essentially ignored).
While it still could be argued that this is not an inconsistency - one spell is hero-targetted and the other point-targetted, it feels very clunky to me to use Quantum Entanglement's unique alt-cast menu, since it only features the option to cancel or to alt-cast the spell (either via Fire Button or Alternate Cast Button).

As You pointed out, it might not be an inconsistency (depends on the point of view), but I would still argue that instantly casting a spell is the more 'expected' and 'ergonomic' behaviour in this case. The second best solution for me would be to use the usual menu as it is with Life Drain.