Add "Active Reload" as a base mechanic


New member
Having a skilled mechanic like "Active Reload" part of the base experience will provide a fun and engaging skill cap.

I propose removing "Active Reload" as an item, and changing the properties of its action:

Instead of the green reload window being at '5 o clock' on the reload UI, move it to '8 o clock' and completely remove its buff properties.

If the fact that all heroes have essentially a much faster reload then before, and this affects the core experience; add a cool-down to "Active reload" (maybe 6 secs)
and highlight the ammo UI blue to indicate that the next reload will have "Active Reload" available. If the cool-down route is taken, then add a buff "Successful Active Reload grants 2 sec weapon damage (5% dmg) "

I think having a mechanic like "Active Reload" is so engaging and rewarding.

It really does feel like something you just need on every character with how slow reloading can be. It really needs to be part of the base game.
i think ammo management is a big part of the game. Active reload is ridiculously easy to hit and giving the ability to just shorten your reload time would encaurage people pay less attention to their ammo, so idk. This game is actually destroying my habbit of pressin R after each bullet. This is an interesting mechanics, but i dont know if its what this game needs
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i think ammo management is a big part of the game. Active reload is ridiculously easy to hit and giving the ability to just shorten your reload time would encaurage people pay less attention to their ammo, so idk. This game is actually destroying my habbit of pressin R after each bullet. This is an interesting mechanics, but i dont know if its what this game needs
They can always make it harder to hit by decreasing the hitbox size.
A lot of hero balance in the game revolves around ammo, clip size, reload and item slots.

If every hero in the game had this, I think it would push a more tedious mechanic from opt in to mandatory.
They can always make it harder to hit by decreasing the hitbox size.
so theres a balance, could make just a hero shooter with faster ttk. or more of a moba with lingering teamfights based on abilities and combos. i think they are after the 2nd option.
A lot of hero balance in the game revolves around ammo, clip size, reload and item slots.

If every hero in the game had this, I think it would push a more tedious mechanic from opt in to mandatory.
How tedious is it to just hit a button for what's basically a QTE? Adding it as just a general mechanic would add an additional skill pip for the shooter aspect of the game
Having a skilled mechanic like "Active Reload" part of the base experience will provide a fun and engaging skill cap.

I propose removing "Active Reload" as an item, and changing the properties of its action:

Instead of the green reload window being at '5 o clock' on the reload UI, move it to '8 o clock' and completely remove its buff properties.

If the fact that all heroes have essentially a much faster reload then before, and this affects the core experience; add a cool-down to "Active reload" (maybe 6 secs)
and highlight the ammo UI blue to indicate that the next reload will have "Active Reload" available. If the cool-down route is taken, then add a buff "Successful Active Reload grants 2 sec weapon damage (5% dmg) "

I think having a mechanic like "Active Reload" is so engaging and rewarding.

I would love this. Gears of War was like this and it felt so satisfying to hit a perfect reload.
This thread has some of the stupidest replies I have read on this forum so far. "Bullet damage is too weak", "Everyone needs to buy Active reload as is", "Let's make the reload duration random". It almost feels AI generated.

To the OP: why? What does this achieve? The game is already extremely skill demanding as is. Why would adding additional bloat to it make it better?
If active reload were a base mechanic, it would be a redundancy because there will never be a situation where you don't want to hit the active reload key. It would be like "press x to breathe air".
This thread has some of the stupidest replies I have read on this forum so far. "Bullet damage is too weak", "Everyone needs to buy Active reload as is", "Let's make the reload duration random". It almost feels AI generated.

To the OP: why? What does this achieve? The game is already extremely skill demanding as is. Why would adding additional bloat to it make it better?
i said make the placement random, as in the skillcheck is in a random place on the bar. if it was in the same place every time, it would be too easy.
i said make the placement random, as in the skillcheck is in a random place on the bar. if it was in the same place every time, it would be too easy.
That would just make it more tedious for some.

As noted above, adding mechanics can create bloat. The game has a lot going on and looking at the reload bar every three seconds as early haze does not sound fun.
That would just make it more tedious for some.

As noted above, adding mechanics can create bloat. The game has a lot going on and looking at the reload bar every three seconds as early haze does not sound fun.
haze needs to get nerfed somehow, annoying the players is one way to do it
i said make the placement random, as in the skillcheck is in a random place on the bar. if it was in the same place every time, it would be too easy.
Making Active Reload placement RNG is a bad idea, if it is spawn at the end of reload time, might as well not have active reload, if it spawn too close to the start, player might just miss it completely or reload pretty much instantly.
Making Active Reload placement RNG is a bad idea, if it is spawn at the end of reload time, might as well not have active reload, if it spawn too close to the start, player might just miss it completely or reload pretty much instantly.
you could make it spawn within a middle range. i think typically active reload systems randomize the skill check location. if it's the same every time, you just memorize the timing and it's meaningless. or they could make a fast reload perk that doesn't have any of the active reload buffs.
Ehhh. I don't think it's a good idea. Active reload is an skill item, you need to have the correct timing.
Having it as a base mechanic would make it way to difficult to reload for new or beginner players, and make the laning much more difficult.

Also, this
If active reload were a base mechanic, it would be a redundancy because there will never be a situation where you don't want to hit the active reload key. It would be like "press x to breathe air".