Active reload change suggestion


New member
The active reload being on a cooldown means I often forget I have it spam R as it comes off cooldown and fail the reload.

What if it had a permanent green zone that gave a smaller buff plus a cooldown portion which would be a much tighter green bar within the permanent one for a perfect reload.

This way you would be trained into doing it throughout the match with the always on bar.


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Also if you fail it goes on full cooldown which is just brutal. I think not being able to use your buff at the first reload is punishment enough and the item would be fine if it wouldn't go on full cooldown on fail
I think it would be interesting if, as a base stat, this item made the cooldown LONGER, but the green zone was always there to cut the reload animation in half (for an overall shorter reload compared to the base time). Also as how @Zorbeez mentioned, the cooldown for the buff would still exist, but despite that, you could still actively shorten the reload itself.
Also if you fail it goes on full cooldown which is just brutal. I think not being able to use your buff at the first reload is punishment enough and the item would be fine if it wouldn't go on full cooldown on fail
+1 this. reloading next time for a buff would waste more time and possibly kill you, so cd of a fail fells extra bad.
I think it would be interesting if, as a base stat, this item made the cooldown LONGER, but the green zone was always there to cut the reload animation in half (for an overall shorter reload compared to the base time). Also as how @Zorbeez mentioned, the cooldown for the buff would still exist, but despite that, you could still actively shorten the reload itself.
I’ve played a bit more with this item and I think I’m starting to understand it. The problem I think is weirdly the name. On paper it sounds like an item that should help you with reload, but in reality it’s just an active item that gives you gun buff on “use”. “Use” being this skillcheck to tap in time.

I think the best change would be for the item not to go on cooldown if you fail the skillcheck. I feel like not being able to use the item you’ve spent 1250 for a few seconds (need to spend a bullet and reload again) is punishment enough. Kinetic dash doesn’t activate the cooldown if you fail the dash-jump. Failing an active reload is disproportionally brutal for what it actually gives you.