Active items have problems that should be discussed.


New member
Let me start by saying that I love the game, but players I interact with, as well as personalities I follow online, think there is a problem with the philosophy of the active items and that they are making the game worse. This isn't an item item-specific discussion.

Primary complaint: having 4 actives, 4 directions 3 movement options and AIMING on top of it all people are starting to macro to for items to compensate for the number of buttons required since almost every time you use an ability you want up 4 more buttons to be pressed at the same time, more than a dozen, and that's just not really a good thing to have to macro for standard or "required" gameplay.

Other complaints are that there is no real "skill" with the items being essentially unit casts and the counterplay that the items introduce removes agency from the player rather than enabling or widening the gameplay, versatility and agency of the players interactions the items are attempting to provide.

It's also just too many independent cooldowns for someone to keep track of.

Most players I've talked to think the way to change/fix this without altering the meta too much is to change active components to be ability augment items like "empower spell" or "restorative shot", but for augmenting the spells, as well as items that provide augments with things like mini-stun, spirit life steal, silence, disarm, slows, attack slow, stamina degen etc. but that part of the discussion is too item specific for this thread.

Having an independent cooldown would prevent charge-based abilities from abusing this mechanic and making these effects too spammable. It would also address the complaint that the actives are not really a "skillfull" play, as they would be tied to the abilities and cooldowns that you already have to play around, as well as reducing the number of cooldowns independent of abilities to keep track of. Although I agree that there is skill in getting into position to use the current active items, since you're already having to do that with your abilities, it seems arbitrary/superfluous and adds dead-end game flow, which would be thought to be ideally avoided.

The only items to specifically mention are the ones that are movement based like warp stone and majestic leap, these I thought could augment a players standard movement, so your next dash roll would be a warp stone movement for instance (maybe highlighting the UI stamina element purple when off cooldown is good idea?) or your next double jump would activate a majestic leap (small leap icon next to stamina bar?)

Thanks for reading.